Do homeopaths use cannabis sativa and indica for cancer cure? Homeopathics have done testing on the medical marijuana health benefits, specifically for the treatment of cancer. Rick Simpson is a medical marijuana activist who has been providing information as to the healing capabilities of cannabis oil for almost a ten years now. What is cannabis oil? Cannabis oil is extracted from cannabis sativa and indica plants to make "marijuana oil" as it is sometimes known as simpson oil. Marijuana health benefits include weight loss for those that struggle to lose weight because it detoxes the blood. There is, however a difference from hemp oil to cannabis oil. Hemp is also quite healthy and loaded with healthy fat though it is not as potent as medical marijuana oil to be able to treat prostrate cancer and others. Breast cancer is so easily treatable with cannabis oil and has been done so without surgery. Sometimes Holy Spirit can direct you into the right medical path through faith healing but how can you accept the help when you are controlled by fear and disbelief. Where is our God when only a medical practitioner can heal, what then is a faith healing? Corrie Yelland healed herself of colo-rectal cancer just a while back. She is also from the group I'm a part of. Lindsey Martin (also in our group) cured, yet she succumbed to the fatal effects of cancer surgery. How is that possible to get cured of colon cancer but then die of complications? I'm sorry, but in her case I blame the doctors. Marijuana health benefits have no side effects when the resistance is worked up slowly- the patient fighting cancer must begin with a drop of cannabis oil the size of a grain of rice and gradually build up to taking up to 3 grams per day, 1 People you shouldn't be so quick to run to doctors. That's why Rick Simpson created, “Run From The Cure.” To me its so sad, so many people are running AWAY from the cure and into the open arms of medical doctors who are ever-ready to do surgery on you, but ask yourself this, “What if my surgery gets botched?” "Will those doctors be able to undo the damage, pick up the pieces of my life?" I guessed you get the point I'm trying to make. The medical marijuana health benefits worked so well for Mrs Martin that I was sad to hear that she had passed in the end. Lindsey Martin wasn't so lucky and who knows if she even had cancer at all to begin with, she was just too young to die like that, having to walk around with a colostomy bag inside her. God promised to give us life, in the exact words, “a hope and a future” can you take a hold of something good? If He promised us a future why would he want us to die of a disease? Disease isn't from God. He gave us this medicine, cannabis oil, if we can only open our eyes and our hearts to humility and forgiveness. We can let go of the sickness. It will be forced to be excreted. Marijuana health benefits outweigh the sometimes tricky means of obtaining the purest feco cannabis oil. So many die from a lack of faith rooted in pride. Oh, what do you know? You're not a medical doctor! Funny thing is, all the negative experience I've had has led me in the right direction. I have never in my life been as fulfilled and living inside of my destiny if none of the bad stuff had happened. Sometimes the greatest trails and tribulations, when you are having most difficulties, setbacks, opposition, criticism, all of these can be the best thing that has ever happened to you because from suffering you will be moulded into the best person that you can be. God has a reason for all of your pain. Nothing is a waste. Everystep that you took and will take is known to your Creator. So put yourself back into His hands. Give Him all your burdens and pain. He wants to heal you and give you a new life! Jesus loves you so and this is why I wrote this article, I need to pay it forward. The time is now. You have living to do. Remember those words, A HOPE AND A FUTURE! To cure your disease, it is recommended to grow your own cannabis sativa and indica to get the best out of your marijuana health benefits. “If Cannabis Oil Works Why Haven't I Heard Of It Before, Why Is It Illegal?” The Truth About Cancer Rick healed himself from metastatic "skin cancer" in 2003, after that he has devoted much of his life in order to spreading consciousness of cannabis oil success stories. He was met with an absurd volume of governmental opposition and sadly lack of support from Canadian government bodies, prescription companies, government agencies for health, along with UN offices. “Tullio Simoncini” another great cancer doctor who has saved so many lives, but was thwarted and opposed by government agencies. "Big Pharma" cannot make money if they make weed, dagga, cannabis, marijuana(whatever you call it) legal. This plant will put doctors out of business and that is why most are forbidden to talk about it, even though two drugs containing cannabis are used for cancer patients in the US. Of the people I know who make their own home-made cannabis oil to treat their cancers and a myriad of other diseases such as Chrohns and fibromyalgia ,etc etc. Even today many will speak bad about Rick Simpson because he uses butane and not food grade alcohol to extract the medicinal benefits of hemp oil. We need to see both the good and bad in everyone and give credit where it is due, for Mr Simpson he is worthy of praise as he helped so many people saving their lives without hope of reimbursement, and that is good. Both thc and cbd are so very useful in the rewinding of disease and promoting life-giving energy to stagnant blood and dysfunctional cells. Cannabis Oil is A Blessing! Despite that fact, Rick Simpson still provides his personal expense towards the successful healing,he has so far assisted over 5, 000 people from BELIEViNG they were dying of cancer after they have been giving a death sentence by allopathic medical doctors. Yes, if you have been sent to hospice from a state hospital they are saying in not so many words you are going to die, there's nothing that can be done to save or prolong your life! What a hideous lie!! That was the reason I created this website to make people understand that we were made to believe lies. Simpson and I, myself, believe that most illnesses and diseased conditions are treatable. I know that with every fibre of my being that the human body holds within it the power to fight off disease and regenerate tissues, even bone when it is given suffiient minerals, vitamins found in superfoods, herbs, spice, roots, flowers, leaves and seeds. Such is harnessed in cannabis. It has the capacity to not only kill cancer cells but revert them to healthy cellular function once again. Homeopathic Remedies That Work Rick claims that its common to have all sorts of cancer along with diseases cured with the use of high quality fully extracted cannabis oil. When you use cannabis and you also support that protocol with homeopathic remedies such as turmeric and black pepper, bicarbonate of soda, rooibos and essiac tea, cardamom, clove and nigella seeds, you stand a much higher change of healing your body in the quickest possible time. How To Cure Disease The patient also needs to eat raw carrot, apple and beet or juice them abstain from stimulents such as black tea and coffee or drastically reduce consumption. Drink sufficient water. Exercise. Especially 30 minutes exercise. When you excercise daily for half hour to forty minutes and take 1 tsp bicarb you fill your blood with oxygen and cancer cannot thrive there, so you prevent mestastasis, that is cancer spreading via the blood to other organs to take root and infect other limbs, bones or tissues. Using turmeric daily and black pepper up to one whole tablespoon (becareful to not take any blood thinning meds) and even chewing about 10 peppercorns with eat. All adds up, makes that cannabis go in and basically just kick cancer cells in the balls. Kind of funny when you think that the male cannabis plants grow, well, balls. Cannabis oil is made from the flower buds of feminized seed cannabis sativa and indica. So You Are Fighting Cancer Believe that God is good, He alone is the giver of life, and He alone decides when yours is over! Don't allow anyone to put a timestamp on your life. You are nobodies statistic. Fight for life! There is always hope. Defy the odds today. Take a leap of faith and you'll be able to move the mountain of disease. Say, “I am healed by faith in Jesus name!” Say it everytime you drink your bicarb water, while you're walking the dog, after you've swallowed your raw juice, Say "Healing is mine" "I am healed" its so very important to speak life. Be healed today by faith in Jesus Christ I declare that over you!
12 December, 2014
ThC Oil And Faith Healing Of Cancer With The Simpson Cannabis Oil Protocol
Do homeopaths use cannabis sativa and indica for cancer cure? Homeopathics have done testing on the medical marijuana health benefits, specifically for the treatment of cancer. Rick Simpson is a medical marijuana activist who has been providing information as to the healing capabilities of cannabis oil for almost a ten years now. What is cannabis oil? Cannabis oil is extracted from cannabis sativa and indica plants to make "marijuana oil" as it is sometimes known as simpson oil. Marijuana health benefits include weight loss for those that struggle to lose weight because it detoxes the blood. There is, however a difference from hemp oil to cannabis oil. Hemp is also quite healthy and loaded with healthy fat though it is not as potent as medical marijuana oil to be able to treat prostrate cancer and others. Breast cancer is so easily treatable with cannabis oil and has been done so without surgery. Sometimes Holy Spirit can direct you into the right medical path through faith healing but how can you accept the help when you are controlled by fear and disbelief. Where is our God when only a medical practitioner can heal, what then is a faith healing? Corrie Yelland healed herself of colo-rectal cancer just a while back. She is also from the group I'm a part of. Lindsey Martin (also in our group) cured, yet she succumbed to the fatal effects of cancer surgery. How is that possible to get cured of colon cancer but then die of complications? I'm sorry, but in her case I blame the doctors. Marijuana health benefits have no side effects when the resistance is worked up slowly- the patient fighting cancer must begin with a drop of cannabis oil the size of a grain of rice and gradually build up to taking up to 3 grams per day, 1 People you shouldn't be so quick to run to doctors. That's why Rick Simpson created, “Run From The Cure.” To me its so sad, so many people are running AWAY from the cure and into the open arms of medical doctors who are ever-ready to do surgery on you, but ask yourself this, “What if my surgery gets botched?” "Will those doctors be able to undo the damage, pick up the pieces of my life?" I guessed you get the point I'm trying to make. The medical marijuana health benefits worked so well for Mrs Martin that I was sad to hear that she had passed in the end. Lindsey Martin wasn't so lucky and who knows if she even had cancer at all to begin with, she was just too young to die like that, having to walk around with a colostomy bag inside her. God promised to give us life, in the exact words, “a hope and a future” can you take a hold of something good? If He promised us a future why would he want us to die of a disease? Disease isn't from God. He gave us this medicine, cannabis oil, if we can only open our eyes and our hearts to humility and forgiveness. We can let go of the sickness. It will be forced to be excreted. Marijuana health benefits outweigh the sometimes tricky means of obtaining the purest feco cannabis oil. So many die from a lack of faith rooted in pride. Oh, what do you know? You're not a medical doctor! Funny thing is, all the negative experience I've had has led me in the right direction. I have never in my life been as fulfilled and living inside of my destiny if none of the bad stuff had happened. Sometimes the greatest trails and tribulations, when you are having most difficulties, setbacks, opposition, criticism, all of these can be the best thing that has ever happened to you because from suffering you will be moulded into the best person that you can be. God has a reason for all of your pain. Nothing is a waste. Everystep that you took and will take is known to your Creator. So put yourself back into His hands. Give Him all your burdens and pain. He wants to heal you and give you a new life! Jesus loves you so and this is why I wrote this article, I need to pay it forward. The time is now. You have living to do. Remember those words, A HOPE AND A FUTURE! To cure your disease, it is recommended to grow your own cannabis sativa and indica to get the best out of your marijuana health benefits. “If Cannabis Oil Works Why Haven't I Heard Of It Before, Why Is It Illegal?” The Truth About Cancer Rick healed himself from metastatic "skin cancer" in 2003, after that he has devoted much of his life in order to spreading consciousness of cannabis oil success stories. He was met with an absurd volume of governmental opposition and sadly lack of support from Canadian government bodies, prescription companies, government agencies for health, along with UN offices. “Tullio Simoncini” another great cancer doctor who has saved so many lives, but was thwarted and opposed by government agencies. "Big Pharma" cannot make money if they make weed, dagga, cannabis, marijuana(whatever you call it) legal. This plant will put doctors out of business and that is why most are forbidden to talk about it, even though two drugs containing cannabis are used for cancer patients in the US. Of the people I know who make their own home-made cannabis oil to treat their cancers and a myriad of other diseases such as Chrohns and fibromyalgia ,etc etc. Even today many will speak bad about Rick Simpson because he uses butane and not food grade alcohol to extract the medicinal benefits of hemp oil. We need to see both the good and bad in everyone and give credit where it is due, for Mr Simpson he is worthy of praise as he helped so many people saving their lives without hope of reimbursement, and that is good. Both thc and cbd are so very useful in the rewinding of disease and promoting life-giving energy to stagnant blood and dysfunctional cells. Cannabis Oil is A Blessing! Despite that fact, Rick Simpson still provides his personal expense towards the successful healing,he has so far assisted over 5, 000 people from BELIEViNG they were dying of cancer after they have been giving a death sentence by allopathic medical doctors. Yes, if you have been sent to hospice from a state hospital they are saying in not so many words you are going to die, there's nothing that can be done to save or prolong your life! What a hideous lie!! That was the reason I created this website to make people understand that we were made to believe lies. Simpson and I, myself, believe that most illnesses and diseased conditions are treatable. I know that with every fibre of my being that the human body holds within it the power to fight off disease and regenerate tissues, even bone when it is given suffiient minerals, vitamins found in superfoods, herbs, spice, roots, flowers, leaves and seeds. Such is harnessed in cannabis. It has the capacity to not only kill cancer cells but revert them to healthy cellular function once again. Homeopathic Remedies That Work Rick claims that its common to have all sorts of cancer along with diseases cured with the use of high quality fully extracted cannabis oil. When you use cannabis and you also support that protocol with homeopathic remedies such as turmeric and black pepper, bicarbonate of soda, rooibos and essiac tea, cardamom, clove and nigella seeds, you stand a much higher change of healing your body in the quickest possible time. How To Cure Disease The patient also needs to eat raw carrot, apple and beet or juice them abstain from stimulents such as black tea and coffee or drastically reduce consumption. Drink sufficient water. Exercise. Especially 30 minutes exercise. When you excercise daily for half hour to forty minutes and take 1 tsp bicarb you fill your blood with oxygen and cancer cannot thrive there, so you prevent mestastasis, that is cancer spreading via the blood to other organs to take root and infect other limbs, bones or tissues. Using turmeric daily and black pepper up to one whole tablespoon (becareful to not take any blood thinning meds) and even chewing about 10 peppercorns with eat. All adds up, makes that cannabis go in and basically just kick cancer cells in the balls. Kind of funny when you think that the male cannabis plants grow, well, balls. Cannabis oil is made from the flower buds of feminized seed cannabis sativa and indica. So You Are Fighting Cancer Believe that God is good, He alone is the giver of life, and He alone decides when yours is over! Don't allow anyone to put a timestamp on your life. You are nobodies statistic. Fight for life! There is always hope. Defy the odds today. Take a leap of faith and you'll be able to move the mountain of disease. Say, “I am healed by faith in Jesus name!” Say it everytime you drink your bicarb water, while you're walking the dog, after you've swallowed your raw juice, Say "Healing is mine" "I am healed" its so very important to speak life. Be healed today by faith in Jesus Christ I declare that over you!
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