10 February, 2015

Is There A Cure For Cancer?

Is There A Cure For Cancer? How could this happen? Our dog (Storm) just received her one year checkup in June and was given a clean bill of health. In shock by the news, we refused to put Storm and defied the recommendation of our vet oncologist. What followed could only be described as a long exhaustive internet and phone search for cancer alternatives for dogs. After 100 hours of the research in two weeks, we stumbled across a homeopathic vet in our area. What we learned was shocking. Dogs like humans - even puppies that are barely adult dogs are exposed to triggers each day that can kick off a serious health unfortunate events. These triggers can come from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the vaccinations we take to stay healthy - even vaccinations can be a trigger to his cancer. Listening with decreased breath, we continued to learn from our homeopathic vet that traditional doctors most autoimmune diseases (eg cancer) to be treated at the level of symptoms, but they never address the underlying question is why we get sick in the first place? When your body is out of balance, your body does not do what it was designed to do - which is to heal itself. When your cells stop talking to each other efficiently they are damaged. These corrupt cells can lead to diseases, and in the case of our Storm - lymphosarcoma. It was recommended that we Storm on a glyconutrient supplementation program coupled with a raw diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. We started her on a leading brand of glyco supplements. These supplements contain the eight simple sugars that the body of the building blocks that it needs in order to improve cell to cell communication. Within two weeks of this program, the tumor that had Storm had disappeared 90%. This was a tumor that was twice the size of her heart on the ultrasound just two weeks before. At the end of the first month, Storm was diagnosed as being in remission. Do not get me wrong. Cancer is a smart nasty disease that mutates and has one goal - survival. Is there a cure for cancer - most people assume probably not, though have these people or skeptics actually done some research into the health benefits and anti-cancer components found in cannabis oil and its constituents, thc and cbd? Have they studied the health benefits of cannabis oil and how it has successfully cured brain cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and treats fibromyalgia, do they know the story of my friend Barbara Bunker and her beautiful baby girl, Nova-leigh who has received a miraculous new life for the powerful cannbis oil. Are they really so gullible to still doubt the healing benefits of cannabis oil and wonder if there really is a cure for cancer. The truth is there is a cure for cancer but there are many other herbal remedies such as cannabis oilIs there a better way to treat cancer - absolutely? Glyconutrients are part of that better treatment - my opinion is YES? Holly and I have first-hand what it can do these Glyconutrients. We both take them, and bring both of our dogs. Did we know about glyconutrients before Storm was diagnosed with cancer - NO? Do most doctors know about them - NO? This is because the discovery of glyconutrients is fairly new and has only recently been added to the curriculum in medical schools. If you or a loved one is suffering from an autoimmune disorder, I want strong need you to try maybe wholesale glyconutrients. Supplementation is a very personal matter, and requires individual assessment and options. Our personal experience is very positive. We encourage everyone to try wholesale glyconutrients. There is a cure for cancer in pets as well as people in cannabi oil, particularly good for cancer pain. You see with chemotherapy or radiation, possible both chemo and radiation therapy damaging the immune system for its toxicity and bouts of nausea, poor eating and sleeplessness and further stress from feeling sickly, cannabis oil and glyconutrients treat cancer naturally without the damage to immune system, the very system that causes apoptosis and evacuates cancer cells from the body without killing healthy cells but rather healing and reverting dysfunctional cells to normal working celllar function. Also not only is the cancer treated but the spiritual healing from the faith and belief is imperative for a speedier healing, preventing that cancer from coming back. And never going back to eating worthless foods but wholefoods such as glyconutrients as the cancer cannot thrive in the body of a nutrient rich, healthy blooded person. Incoming search terms: Is there a cure for cancer? Glyconutrients, cannabis oil

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