29 June, 2014

4 Biblical Herbs That Make Cancer, "Stupid Cancer."

NATURAL CANCER CURES: 4 BIBLICAL ANTIMUTAGENIC HERBS, MYRRH, FRANKINSENCE, BASIL AND HYSSOP. There are a great variety of herbs that aid in digestion, evacuation of free radical waste material, symptom relievers, in general. Out of these herbs, 4 distinct herbal plants have been noted worthy of praise and labeled 'holy' for since biblical times, Frankincense, Basil (Tulsi) Myrr and Hyssop have been identified as natural healers, adaptogenic aids and disease inhibitors. Ty Bollinger, a cancer researcher wrote about the herb Frankincense and how it is been clinically researched. He discovered its use as a natural remedy for depression, yet more importantly as 'A Cure For Cancer'. The herb is also used by staff of european state hospitals. Frankincense has been researched for its ability to assist in the production of human growth hormone and acts as a balance for hormones in humans. Holy Basil: Basil is an exceptionally versatile herb, not only for its culinary value but more so for its medicinal characteristics. The flowers are used to infuse tea or rather drink itself as a herbal tea for its high antioxidant nature and use as adaptogenic herb. Basil seeds are used as fibre and they relieve constipation and assist the digestive tract of cleansing harmful toxins, even poison from the system! Basil is antimutagenic, antiviral, antifungal, making it essential for usage as one of the natural cancer cures to use simultaneously with other antimutagenic herbs, flowers, roots and other "alternative cancer cures" Myrr is a thorny looking bush, its leaves resemble the fenugreek leaves as they start producing the fenugreek seed pods which resemble the long thorns of the myrr. "As part of a larger search for anticancer compounds from plants, the researchers obtained extracts from a particular species of myrrh plant (Commiphora myrrha) and tested it against a human breast tumor cell line (MCF-7) known to be resistant to anticancer drugs. Research data indicated that the extract killed all of the cancer cells in laboratory dishes.".[16] Myrr is used in many diverse ailment and disease and by different nationalities it is held in high esteem for its medicinal propensity to remedy and cure illness, treat symptom, myrr is even used as analgesic in the treatment of pain. •Gum made from myrr is used for indigestion, ulcers, colds, cough, asthma. •Myrr used is traditionally consumed in the treatment of lung congestion, arthritis pain, and yes, you guessed cancer. •Used in Kuwait by diabetics to naturally lower glucose •Myrr proved effective as analgesic on mice tested for pain tolerance. •In Egypt, a drug called Mirizad, derived from myrr was tested in reasearch for the oral treatment of parasitic ailments, including fascioliasis and schistosomiasis.[19] • According to the Wikipedia, “Myrrh has been shown to have significant inhibiting effects on certain types of cancer. The antimutagenic constituents of Myrrh being accredited with this property are, Sesquiterpenes. These tests were done using the Myrrh species Commiphora molmol, and were also found to inhibit tumor growth.[21]” I think we have sound reason to believe that Myrr is highly antimutagenic and that cancer cannot thrive in the presence of myrr extract, don't you?! Hyssop: "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." -Psalms 51:7 I think we can all identify with the Psalmist, King David who knew and desired holiness, he knew that to God Almighty, there is no more beautiful a characteristic than purity, innocence. Holiness before a righteous and holy God. David referred to the washing not of outer body or garment but to the inwardly cleansing, renewal, purity of the heart of man, especially as the apostle Jeremiah said, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” -Jeremiah 17:9 David made a deliberate request of God to purge him with hyssop. It is fascinating as to why the psalmist choice this specific herb. Hyssop is a species of marjoram and family member of the mint herb. Some bible variations actually refer to it as "marjoram." For centuries, hyssop has been considered a medicinal & aromatic herb, generations ago it was indigenous to west Asia, northern Africa, including some parts of the Middle East. Hyssop grows just under three feet in height, it produces clusters of colored flowers. In biblical times, it grew naturally in rocky crevices, and people cultivated it on terraced walls. The short, cut stems of the plant can be gathered into bunches, and in the Old Testament, these bunches were used for ritual purposes. The most spiritually significant of these uses is recorded in Exodus 12:22. Moses has just given the instructions for the killing of the Passover lamb, and he continues with some further instructions that must have been rather startling for those participating Israelites: "And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood {of the Passover lamb} that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. And none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning." Hyssop was used for ceremonial cleansing in Jewish customs wherein God exempted His people from punishment (they were held in captivity by the Egyptians) whose ruler would not see fit to let them have freedom after which God struck down the Egyptians with the plagues. Read about the use of hyssop in biblical times, to better understand why people in biblical times used the hyssop herb. See here www.http://www.cgg.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Library.sr/CT/ARTB/k/1212/Purge-Me-With-Hyssop.htm. The last mention of hyssop is found in John 19:28-30 “After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, "I thirst!" Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth. So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished!" And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” •Hyssop contains medicinal constituents; thujone and phenol, that renders it an antiseptic . •Hyssop is used to remedy colds and influenza, then also used as an expectorant to aid in decongestion, the moving of, and excretion of stubborn phleghm and treating thick, excessive mucous. Use the 4 Anti-cancer herbs, Myrr, Frankincense, Holy Basil and Hyssop to prevent cancer cells from assaulting your natural balance and prevent many other disease, and help your body adapt to stressful situations by boosting, cleansing and nourishing your blood with their natural vitamins, phenols, flavanoids and minerals. Saying goodbye to cancer has been done a few million times, since biblical times. Believe, to receive.

18 June, 2014

Anti-Cancer Natural Treatment With Clerodendrum.

Clerodendrum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae. More commonly known as bagflower glorybower, or more interestingly, bleeding-heart! Clerodendrum species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Endoclita malabaricus and Endoclita sericeus. Both butterflies and hummingbirds are often attracted to blooming clerodendrum. According to research done using mice to determine how Clerodendrum Bungei Steud Flavonoids (CBSF) shrinks tumors and inhibits cancells from mutating, it was determined that Clerodendrum is highly antimutagenic. The conclusion proved that the Clerodendrum extract improved the general life state of mice with lung cancer, it inhibited the growth of their tumors. In this experiment, the CBSF also prevented cancer flourishing in the anti-neoplastic mechanisms which assisted in further killing off cancerous cells by inducing tumor cell apoptosis. If you check the calculation of the labroratory results you will notice that the Clerodendrum Bungei Steud Flavonoids inhibits cancer by up-regulating and increasing "the expression of p53mRNA and bax mRNA" to that of normal cellular activity or in other words to that of healthy cells and tissue. Another study by Dr. K. L. MANKANI, a Professor at the, Department of Pharmacology in Karnaktara, India showed that, concerning the anticarcenogenic effects of family plant Clerodendrum, C. inerme, flavanoid components indicate cancer destroying activity in which C. Inerma targets and destroys cancer cells, "Flavonoids and phenolic compounds are widely distributed in plants which have been reported to exert multiple biological effects, including antioxidant, free radical scavenging abilities, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic5. The therapeutic studies showed that organic extracts of C. inerme revealed strong uterine stimulant activity when tested in female rats and rabbits6 and also showed strong anti-hemolytic activity in human adults with inhibition of phospholipase7. The methanolic leaf extract of C. inerme showed antispasmodic activity 8 and anti-carcinogenic effects on hamster9." Dr Mankani said that the positive anti-cancer results of C. Inerme have not been reported so far. Concerning in-vitro research done to assess the anti-cancer activities of C. inerme on human cancer cell lines, "the present study is aimed to investigate in-vitro anticancer activity of Clerodendron inerme on human cancer cell lines and study of their possible mechanism of action. So there we have it, so many plants have been indicated to cure cancer and even though the results all prove positive, as in the case with Hemp Oil Cancer Cure, little is still being done to save the lives of many women, men and children suffering with cancer. Clerodendrum leaf extract has not only being proven to destroy cancer cells, but it showed postive results in the effective treatment of diseases such as syphilis, typhoid, and even jaundice. Source: http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.rguhs.ac.in/cdc/onlinecdc/uploads/04_P034_24036.doc&sa=U&ei=4QyhU4rRDpKR0QXOsYDYCg&ved=0CBgQFjADOAo&sig2=MEXrVOjmrU2_4WEY6y6nPg&usg=AFQjCNF3bYgVTCob1Y3C93g7GdzxIHYS_w Antioxidant, Anti-cancer, Clerodendrum, Flavonoid, Glycoside, Herbal Medicine, Phenol

10 June, 2014

Nigella Oil Cancer Protocol

Nigella Sativa, ordinary looking spice, pretty little flower and yet powerful cancer cure that most disbelievers will probably laugh off. I totally stumbled upon this cancer cure as somebody posted beatiful pics of plants and flowers and facebook, I just could not resist the urge to check google to see if the spice, nigella contains any antimutagenic agents, and to my surprise, when I hit the enter button what popped up but a few thousand sites hailing this beautiful but delicate little flower to be a tough kick cancer in the nuts natural cancer cure! Nigella sativa made a splash when news of this cure hit mainstream media! Nobody could have imagined a wee little flower couples named their baby after would have the inherent value of cancer killing natural remedy, and when the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) granted two patents that brand Nigella sativa oil as the successful treatment for cancer. Nigella has been proven to boost the immune system, and is known to dramatically reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. 'Nigella Oil Protocol' commonly referred to as the “Black Seed Oil Protocol" is highly recommended by several practitioners, in aid of fighting cancer. BLACK SEED OIL RECIPE: 1 tsp of black seed oil 1/2 tsp honey (preferably Manuka brand) Mixed together and taken on empty stomach before breakfast. 1 tsp black seed oil 1 orange juiced Mixed together taken in the afternoon and between meals. 1tsp of 'nigella seed oil' 1/2 tsp of honey, taken before bed. How Does The Nigella Oil Protocol Work In Killing Cancer? The honey acts as a transporter, getting the oil to the diseased cells. 'Manuka' honey contains the highest anti-microbial activity of all honeys, to be the extra virgin to olive oil. This protocol, consumed in sync with a healthy lifestyle, is said to work wonderfully, both in treating cancer and an array of other symptoms or ailments. The antimutagenic cancer slayer, 'thymoquinone extract' researched by the research team at the Kimmel Center has turned out to be extremely effective when given intravenously (by IV). However no further in depth studies have been summarised. The Kimmel tests, were performed on laboratory cultures instead of mice or cancer patients, which further put a damper on conclusive results proving that Nigella Sativa destroys cancer. Nigella Oil Cures More Than Just Cancer It appears Nigella sativa is an effective remedy well beyond cancer, including both acute and chronic conditions—everything from the treatment of diabetes and hypertension to dermatological conditions. Additional studies by Arafat and her team indicate it can treat a broad array of immune and inflammatory disorders, on top of thwarting the growth of diseases like prostate and colon cancer. The oil has also been shown to have anti-fungal effects and has been successfully used to treat the growth of Candida in all organs in the body. In the Middle East and few Southeast Asian countries, Nigella seeds are sold in small bundles labeled “black cumin.” They’re used to unblock clogged sinuses by rubbing the nigella seeds in between the palms of hands until they warm up, they're then known to let off an aroma that acts as decongestant in unblocking sinuses, similar to eucalyptus oil as decongestant. As yet no adverse effects have been reported from using Nigella Oil, however as the tests have been done on lower dosage, side effects are unknown for consumption of larger medicinal dosage quantities. Some people have reported getting allergic rashes when rubbing the oil on their skin, however doctors ironically recommend doing just that for the alternative treatment of joint, arthritic pain and headaches.

09 June, 2014

Juniper Berry Extract A Cancer Cure.


Juniper berries are spice that are blue similar to blueberries when fruited on the tree but as the spice from a store the berries really just look like small, round, dark brown, pine flavored little cones, however there is more to this seemingly unknown spice. The juniper berry is highly antibacterial, is a diuretic, antiviral in nature, treats the immune system and contains anti cancer compounds that destroy cancer. From the research I have done, juniper resin has been successfully used to treat cancer patients in which the cancerous tumors were left benign. In Iran, The Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, gained recognition when a few of their scientists discovered that essential oil of juniper berry was proven to be effective in the destruction of bacteria. (Gram-) bacteria are the germs responsible for causing infections the likes of “E. coli” and lung debilitating, pneumonia and nasty STD's such as gonorrhea, (gram+) bacteria are those germs that cause the havoc creating “Staphylococcus aureus” S. aureus is an infection so common that people actually acquire it on hospital premises, it has evolved to being resistant to antibiotics, so you might have heard of it by the other name MRSA, which stands for medically resistant staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria are found on cellphones, public phones, toilets, jewelry, vehicle steering wheels, pubic toilets, library keyboards and books. Believe me, this strain of bacteria is why you should be very careful when you take somebody, especially children inside a hospital.

Hint: When visiting somebody at hospital, always carry some form of disinfectant such as wet wipes and wipe the kids hands thoroughly before letting them eat something outside the hospital premises. Thanks to personal experience, I usually carry a bag of wetwipes inside the family car and inside my handbag. Over the counter drugs are known to be rather ineffective at curing MRSA but juniper extract, taken by making a decoction of juniper berries, is a powerful and effective alternative in boosting immunity and fighting infections. Juniper Works In Tandem With Sodium Bicarbonate Apparently from test done to determine juniper extract efficacy in the treatment of cancer, long-term usage of juniper has been associated with kidney problems, so cancer patients were warned about limiting its use, however you don't have to avoid the juniper berry extract if you have kidney problems, especially if you use baking soda. Since the 'Trojan horse therapy' kills cancer and the bicarb actually reduces the toxins that the kidneys eliminate, when using bicarb in conjunction with juniper berry extract, the two become a powerful arsenal in terms of killing cancer. I would compare using bicarb alongside juniper extract as using turmeric in conjunction with black pepper. Juniper extract, more so when combined with baking soda to treat cancer is extremely beneficial to the elimination of cancer cells and because of the antibacterial nature of juniper, the cancer infused microbes, or those dysfunctional cells mutating (cancer spreading very fast) are healed and brought back to normal. The bicarb brings down the ph so all the pathogenic waste material is excreted from the body. Warning: as with anything taken in higher than recommended quantity, can be dangerous; never consume high amounts of any herbal, spice or root in excessive amounts, particularly, cinnamon, turmeric and juniper, in pregnancy these three act upon the uterine walls and simulate contractions which could result in the miscarriage or 'inevitable abortion' of the full term pregnancy.

In terms of cancer cells, turmeric oxygenates and purifies but also thins blood thus it cannot be taken with blood thinning medication. So as with all medicine use with utmost respect and care enough to always check the side effects, firstly before commencing usage of any natural or conventional therapies.


If you have a look here you will come across a community of people using juniper berry oil marijuana in a combined wellness protocol and they refer to the marijuana as "banji"