09 June, 2014

Juniper Berry Extract A Cancer Cure.


Juniper berries are spice that are blue similar to blueberries when fruited on the tree but as the spice from a store the berries really just look like small, round, dark brown, pine flavored little cones, however there is more to this seemingly unknown spice. The juniper berry is highly antibacterial, is a diuretic, antiviral in nature, treats the immune system and contains anti cancer compounds that destroy cancer. From the research I have done, juniper resin has been successfully used to treat cancer patients in which the cancerous tumors were left benign. In Iran, The Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, gained recognition when a few of their scientists discovered that essential oil of juniper berry was proven to be effective in the destruction of bacteria. (Gram-) bacteria are the germs responsible for causing infections the likes of “E. coli” and lung debilitating, pneumonia and nasty STD's such as gonorrhea, (gram+) bacteria are those germs that cause the havoc creating “Staphylococcus aureus” S. aureus is an infection so common that people actually acquire it on hospital premises, it has evolved to being resistant to antibiotics, so you might have heard of it by the other name MRSA, which stands for medically resistant staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria are found on cellphones, public phones, toilets, jewelry, vehicle steering wheels, pubic toilets, library keyboards and books. Believe me, this strain of bacteria is why you should be very careful when you take somebody, especially children inside a hospital.

Hint: When visiting somebody at hospital, always carry some form of disinfectant such as wet wipes and wipe the kids hands thoroughly before letting them eat something outside the hospital premises. Thanks to personal experience, I usually carry a bag of wetwipes inside the family car and inside my handbag. Over the counter drugs are known to be rather ineffective at curing MRSA but juniper extract, taken by making a decoction of juniper berries, is a powerful and effective alternative in boosting immunity and fighting infections. Juniper Works In Tandem With Sodium Bicarbonate Apparently from test done to determine juniper extract efficacy in the treatment of cancer, long-term usage of juniper has been associated with kidney problems, so cancer patients were warned about limiting its use, however you don't have to avoid the juniper berry extract if you have kidney problems, especially if you use baking soda. Since the 'Trojan horse therapy' kills cancer and the bicarb actually reduces the toxins that the kidneys eliminate, when using bicarb in conjunction with juniper berry extract, the two become a powerful arsenal in terms of killing cancer. I would compare using bicarb alongside juniper extract as using turmeric in conjunction with black pepper. Juniper extract, more so when combined with baking soda to treat cancer is extremely beneficial to the elimination of cancer cells and because of the antibacterial nature of juniper, the cancer infused microbes, or those dysfunctional cells mutating (cancer spreading very fast) are healed and brought back to normal. The bicarb brings down the ph so all the pathogenic waste material is excreted from the body. Warning: as with anything taken in higher than recommended quantity, can be dangerous; never consume high amounts of any herbal, spice or root in excessive amounts, particularly, cinnamon, turmeric and juniper, in pregnancy these three act upon the uterine walls and simulate contractions which could result in the miscarriage or 'inevitable abortion' of the full term pregnancy.

In terms of cancer cells, turmeric oxygenates and purifies but also thins blood thus it cannot be taken with blood thinning medication. So as with all medicine use with utmost respect and care enough to always check the side effects, firstly before commencing usage of any natural or conventional therapies.


If you have a look here you will come across a community of people using juniper berry oil marijuana in a combined wellness protocol and they refer to the marijuana as "banji"

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