I have long been an advocate of that magical weed known as marijuana for both recreational and medical purposes. While I have been aware of its many health benefits such as:
1. treats glaucoma
2. improves lung health
3. helps control epileptic seizures
4. decreases anxiety
5. slows the progression of Alzheimer's Disease
6. eases muscle spasms, especially in those with MS
7. improves symptoms in inflammatory bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and Lupus
8. reduces pain and nausea from chemo, stimulating appetite...and much, much more..
I was unaware of the fact that thousands of people have claimed to experience a remission in their cancers using cannabis oil made by a Canadian man named Rick Simpson. You can read his amazing story, Rick Simpson's Hemp-Oil Medicine .
There is a lot of misinformation about medical marijuana floating around out there in internetland. Let me try and help with this. Marijuana is quite an incredible plant. The chemical compounds found in it, called cannabinoids of which there are over 80 different types, are responsible for the health benefits. Most of us are familiar with THC which makes you high and takes you to your "happy place." Not all forms of marijuana make you high. Cannabinol, known as CBN, induces sedative-like effects, is an anti-bacterial and may reduce muscle spasms. Cannabidiol cannabinoid, known as CBD, is responsible for most of the health benefits.
There are several different ways to consume medical marijuana; you can smoke it, eat it, inhale it from a vaporizer, make tea and soda with it, use it topically from the oil and finally use it as a tincture. For more info, read Ways to Consume Medical Marijuana
Here's a chart to help.
Courtesy coloradopotguide.com
I really encourage you to read Rick Simpson's entire story which is quite lengthy. Here's the Cliff's Notes version.
It all starts in 1972, when Rick's cousin dies of cancer. In 1974, he hears of a study at University of Virginia in which THC reduces brain tumors in mice. Its intended outcome was to prove that it damaged the immune system. Instead of going forward with this research, the DEA shuts it down and then President Ford puts the kibosh on public cannabis research. Go figure...
Fast forward to 1997. Rick has a work accident where he ends up inhaling too much aerosol, passes out, falls off a ladder and hits his head really hard. He ends up in the hospital trauma center where he recovers. Shortly thereafter, he ends up back in the ER with escalating blood pressure and tinnitus which is so loud that it is debilitating. He is given lots of different prescription meds, none of which helps. At the end of his rope, he asks his doctor for a prescription for medical marijuana. The doctor refuses, but Rick gets hold of some marijuana, tries it and experiences a huge decrease in his symptoms. He decides to make it into an essential oil and ingest it rather than smoke it.
The improvement was remarkable; his pain is controlled, his blood pressure decreases and he is able to sleep well for the first time in months. Then he tried the oil, topically, on some suspicious moles. Four days later, they were gone. He cured his mother's weeping psoriasis, topically; something she had suffered with for years. He shared his success with his doctor who still wasn't interested. He had successfully treated about 60 people with the oil topically, but no one else had ingested it besides him.
He had never charged money for his cannabis oil and his status as a healer was legendary at this point. A man with melanoma on his cheekbone was cured by a topical application. He convinced this man that ingesting it would most likely help him with his glaucoma. The man did just that and his vision improved as well as his arthritic condition.
Soon after, he started giving it internally to cancer patients, even those with Stage 4 terminal cancer. They miraculously recovered. It cured diabetes, cervical cancer and lung cancer. He figures he has a 70% success rate. He's noticed that the ones that died either had too much chemotherapy and radiation or waited too long to start the treatment.
Sadly, Rick Simpson was arrested for marijuana possession and found guilty, although he had a sympathetic judge who gave him no jail time and a fine. He can't come to the US due to his conviction. He has treated over a thousand people in Canada and continues to do so. There are others like him having the same results.
Amazingly, there was a study done at the University of Madrid in 2009, investigating the use of cannabinoids in treating cancer, using actual cancer patients. Their findings proved that THC eliminated cancer cells without killing the surrounding healthy ones. This study has never received any worldwide coverage.
What do you think of this story? Do you believe he's a healer or a charlatan? Would you try cannabis oil if you had cancer? I would love to hear your comments.
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Source: High Times, November 13, 2013
Filed under: Health and Wellness, Medical Marijuana
Tags: cannabis oil, Medical marijuana, Rick Simpson
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