Sodium Bicarbonate 'Bicarb' cures cancer by supplying life giving oxygen to cells. |
By increasing the oxygen the cancer stops spreading while the sodium bicarbonate goes to work killing the cancer cells. Cancer cells are just cells that are working 'out of order' because they are not performing the natural requirements that they are supposed to be performing (cellular dysfunction is caused by poor nutrition, unbalanced diet, smoking, no or little exercise, thus insufficient oxygen level essential to maintain or keep bodily cells functioning) so they mutate at a speed 'thinking' that they are fighting an invasion though they are doing more harm than good, sometimes even attacking vital organs. This is especially so for people with Psoriasis whose cells begin killing off the white blood cells, these cells are supposed to fight infection yet they begin disposing of their own good cells as well, such as in the case of inflammatory Psoriasis , the speed at which the cells grow are dangerously fast and the only alternative to healing is to begin eating a 80% vegetarian or wholefood diet.
This site speaks about how I was healed by diet, even though other people suffer with psoriasis for over ten years, I healed mine with eating fresh guava leaves, making a tea of it, drinking rooibos (aspathulas linearis) and drinking Bicarbonate of Soda. For the time I was suffering immensely with the inflammation of the skin, I noted visible change within days of starting the treatment. With the guava tea decoction I made (although bitter) I also treated my son and husband for blocked sinus. The antioxidant level is so high, similar to that of grape seed extract, I compared the guava tea extract to that of procydin, which is the acclaimed brand of grape seed here in South Africa. When it heals blocked sinus the nose will begin to bleed but if the person is drinking sufficient water to cleanse out the toxins that were built up in the sinus, all the muck disintegrates and is expelled, hence the bleeding, so its important then to not stop the treatment and take it at least 2 weeks.
I cannot over exaggerate the need for taking the bicarb whilst drinking enough water, also remember, if you do not have a water purification system in your home, the very least you should be doing is checking and regularly taking the bicarb as it kills all the chemical compounds we are consuming along with the normal tap water. If ph kills cancer how much more can the bicarbonate not protect our systems from all the chemicals and toxins even found in tap water, let alone to ease out and remove toxic buildup and begin natural healing in the body? Also remember to drink sufficient water, just as you flush your toilet and imagine how 'disgusting' is a toilet that cannot flush, how you don't even want to use it, why would you NEVER drink water yet expect your body to eliminate and cleanse out toxins to prevent disease. People are funny like that, judging each other but God always humbles the proud and lifts up the humble!!!
I am taking the trojan horse at least once per week and recommend the same, though I use half teaspoon of Bicarb to one flat tsp of crude molasses. First dissolve the bicarb in half glass of boiling water, add the molasses (some people use honey instead) then top with half glass of cold water so to just practically drink it fast as if its a lemonade and you're stuck in the dessert somewhere or you're stranded on an island! After taking my 'trojan horse' I reward myself with a good hot cup of coffee, that reminds me about that post I read somewhere on drinking cardamom in your coffee to naturally reduce the acidity... "There she goes, there she goes again..." Sometimes I make myself smile, at the very least I will live long enough to see my sons graduating from varsity! Remember the key to survive and see the fruits of your labor you have to keep persistent. Believe against all odds. Read up on what faith is, and if you don't have any, go on your knees and pray for some. That's what I did. Except I cried. It was seemingly the most difficult, most painful, most dark time of my life, yet I got my miracle, and I'm still here today, only stronger and ushering you into your 'truthtime'! Sometimes the greatest miracles you will ever see is when you are at your most vulnerable.
Don't be afraid to go on your knees! Don't be vulnerable to people, don't look to help from others look up! God says, "go into your room, shut the door and (in private) speak to your Father in heaven." Somebody told me today that's its not important to pray, that they only pray once a week! I remembered a time when it was VERY VERY difficult for me to pray. Though the scripture goes on and says..."Speak to your Father in heaven. " God loves sincerity, and if you need to cry, if you are angry, just be honest with God but do ask Him to help you, and then Believe!!! Next wait for your miracle. He just wants your honesty. Jesus Christ loves you and will help you. And when you pray, BELIEVE that God has answered your prayer "For Without FAITH it is impossible to please God!" Now expect your answer! Stay blessed! From me to you wishing you health, wellness, hope and victorious future. May you crush the obstacles in your life and may every curse become a blessing. Pray it over yourself and loved ones. Remember that even though you take all the best health precautions, no healing, nothing is possible without God, the giver of life. He is the ultimate source of healing and goodness.
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