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"A Cure For Cancer" Is Right Under Your Nose! |
Carol, a family friend had been diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago, and I just wanted to update the readers of my blog that the creche teacher who I had confused Carol with is about 90% better! She is walking now after been wheelchair bound and sent home by medical doctors to die after been told there was no hope, can you actually believe that crap?! Yes, what awesome good news, the teacher had just started taking Bicarbonate of Soda everyday.
To adjust the Ph or alkalinity of the blood, you should take at least one teaspoon a day. You can mix the teaspoon in a litre of water and drink one litre of strong rooibos tea in a period of 12 hrs, or you may (using water that was previously boiled but still warm even hot, add half a teaspoon Bicarb to it and then 15 ml lemon juice to it and drink immediately while its fizzing)
I'm so very happy for the lady and her family that she had the humility to begin treating herself and that she even followed my advice which I base entirely on the works of the legendary Tulio Simoncini, praise the Lord for him!!! So many lives have been saved from cancer that could have been cured but failed first in conceiving the possibility that they could indeed be healed and through such a simple, inexpensive method. I know also of a stage four cancer patient treating himself by inhaling Bicarb with a medical device, I'm not sure why I have forgotten the name of this machine but you can just check on google it was a video I watched on youtube. Check by typing 'inhaling bicarbonate of soda' or 'inhaling bicarb' + video. I have been doing research into this whole breast cancer diagnosis scenario, and from what I have read about, patients may choose to remove the lump or tumor or have a mastectomy, which is removal of the entire breast, leaving the nipple intact.
According to research, women suffering from advanced breast cancer, who have abnormally high daytime levels of cortisol, (a hormone released in response to stress) stand a much higher risk of shorter lifespan in comparison to patients with normal levels of the hormone!
Stanford researchers have also found that women with these abnormal cortisol levels had fewer immune system cells or 'natural killer cells' and their reduced immunity was associated with higher mortality. During my very own research, what captured my attention was two woman, both on the same diet, (the Gerson diet named after a cancer doctor Gerson) in which the cancer patient drinks natural organic green or fruit 'superfood' juice, one glass every hour, 13 glasses per day!
They also employ the use of coffee enemas (have heard of this before, apparently it works wonders) and a wrap of castor oil around the abdomen ( facecloth soaked in castor oil left on abdomen, then wrapped around the waist with cling or plastic wrap) I'm not exactly sure of the specifics of the castor oil used by the gerson diet, but I would presume it were the same, especially as I have 5 long years of research into the treatment of 'fighting cancer' in all its natural healing glory. The castor oil assists the liver in purification and eases out the outflow of toxins, which in turn boosts the immune system which doesn't take a beating with 'toxic overload' toxicity being the ideal home for cancer to flourish in. Of the articles I have read about the Gerson diet, I have to add my two cents that, if one just keeps the body at ideal PH level, by taking bicarb regularly, and simultaneously supplementing their system by taking a good antioxidant or growing organic herbs and eating raw often, it would in a nutshell 'replace' the gerson diet without all the hassle and drama! What I recommend if you are going to use a supplement to boost immunity, is a good zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and tissue salts.
Magnesium, which is a mineral, when the body is depleted of it goes completely downhill creates vulnerability paramount to the invasion of too many diseases to mention in this blog post. Oh and by the way, I used magnesium to safely prevent my premature labor after being dilated by 2 centimeters (which was probably due to stress) I just ate magnesium tabs, about 6-8 per day after getting home from hospital and it safely kept my membrane intact and baby Michael, stayed perfectly safe and in mint condition until he was born on the 17th September 2013 with the most extraordinary muscle control! So yes, I cannot stress how important magnesium is!! Magnesium relaxes muscle whilst calcium contracts the muscle, so if you ever experience involuntary cramps in your legs, your magnesium store is depleted and you need to start supplementing to ensure your complete wellness. By the way have you heard of 'Pink Salt'? I have a whole article to write about pink salt, why our body needs it and why the LACK of salt is bad, especially in relation to cancer!
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