Coffee consumed simultaneously with 'DCA' successfully cured glioblastoma. |
I'm sure you have heard that coffee is more unhealthy than beneficial to your wellness. This article might surprise you, though, please do keep in mind that the body requires a balance of acidity to alkalinity, to stay in perfectly healthy condition, especially so concerning the prevention of disease.
According to Cancer Research UK, the results of a complicated cancer study published in 2012, [120] provided much needed insight into the results coffee consumption had on cancer, (highlighting that there was absolutely no association between cancer and the consumption of coffee ) The research findings indicated that regularly drinking coffee "had no effect on the risk of dying from cancer."[122]
Other studies suggest coffee consumption reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease,[123] dementia,[123] Parkinson's disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,[124] cirrhosis,[125] and gout.
Specifically, the antidiabetic effect of caffeine has been attributed to caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid.[127]
“The presence of antioxidants in coffee have been shown to prevent free radicals from causing cell damage, which could lead to cancer.[128] Antioxidant levels vary depending on how the beans are roasted as well as for how long.”. Source: (Wikipedia) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee
Scientists from the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have discovered "a cure for cancer" which is really just a rather simple drug named "Dichloroacetate" an inexpensive little drug, used in the treatment of metabolic disorders.
Here is a link: ( http://m.stm.sciencemag.org/content/2/31/31ra34.abstract ) to the scientific evidence concluding that Dichloroacetate or 'DCA' as it is better known was successfully used in the healing of brain cancer or glioblastoma!
In the words of the scientists themselves; "Solid tumors, including the aggressive primary brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme, develop resistance to cell death, in part as a result of a switch from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to cytoplasmic glycolysis. This metabolic remodeling is accompanied by mitochondrial hyperpolarization. We tested whether the small-molecule and orphan drug dichloroacetate (DCA) can reverse this cancer-specific metabolic and mitochondrial remodeling in glioblastoma. Freshly isolated glioblastomas from 49 patients showed mitochondrial hyperpolarization, which was rapidly reversed by DCA. In a separate experiment with five patients who had glioblastoma, we prospectively secured baseline and serial tumor tissue, developed patient-specific cell lines of glioblastoma and putative glioblastoma stem cells (CD133+, nestin+ cells), and treated each patient with oral DCA for up to 15 months. DCA depolarized mitochondria, increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, and induced apoptosis in GBM cells, as well as in putative GBM stem cells, both in vitro and in vivo. DCA therapy also inhibited the hypoxia-inducible factor–1α, promoted p53 activation, and suppressed angiogenesis both in vivo and in vitro."
DCA is known as powerfully antimutagenic when used simultaneously with caffeine!
In this experiment, DCA was tested according to patients who consume and abstain from caffeine:
A study was made of 29 cancer respondents. Here is the list of cancers from the surveys in which the cancer patients answered 'yes' to consuming DCA with caffeine. Out of 29 The below listed 25 respondents consumed caffeine. The information recorded was taken directly from the survey documentation used in the trial to assess the usefulness of DCA in collaboration with caffeine .
•1. Bladder cancer, metted to lungs. stage 4
•2. Cholangiocarcinoma. stage 4.
•3.Colon cancer removed surgically, one year later metted to lungs. Stage 4
•4. Colon Cancer, metted to lungs and liver.
•5. Colorectal, stage 4
•6. Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma
•7. Esophageal cancer, livers mets
•8. Esophageal cancer, metted to liver
•9. HCC (adenocarcinomarenis),
stage 4
•10. Malignant melanoma, stage 4
•11. Malignant melanoma
•12. NSCLC, metted to brain
•13. NSCLC, stage 4
•14. NSCLC, stage 4
•15. NSCLC, metted to lungs, stage 4
•16. NSCLC, metted to lymphatic system. stage 4
•17. Odema carcinoma (large cell), stage 4
•18. Ovarian, stage 3 Ovarian stage 3
•19. Peritoneal carcinoma, stage 4
•20. Primary Peritoneal, stage 3
•21. Prostate cancer, stage 3
•22. Prostate cancer, stage 4
•23. Prostate- post radical prostemectomy
•24. Sigma-Colon cancer, removed by surgery, metted to lungs, stage 4
•25. 3 tumors not proven to be cancerous, on roof of mouth and one in each breast.
{ From the survey, the 4 cancer respondents below are the '4 positives' that abstained from caffeine consumption; the people who used DCA without consuming caffeine but were successfully 'cured of cancer'}
•26. NSCLC, stage 4
•27. CLL, chronic lymphatic leukemia
•28. Uterine and Ovarian cancer
•29. Planocellular lung cancer, stage 4
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