Olive Leaf Extract Is A Potent Fighting Cancer Remedy. |
If you remember 'Popeye The Sailor Man' a famed children's cartoon, you should remember that he used spinach as his superfood tactic to regularly beat his enemy who challenged him at stealing his beloved love interest, 'Olive'.... Well, its with much excitement that I wrote you this very health article as the much loved and medicinal Olive tree has the power of boosting your health most magnificently! Perhaps like my grandma, yours recommended a tablespoon of Olive oil and vinegar? Today let's focus on the 'health benefits of olive leaf extract'.
Most people are aware of the well renowned health benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil compared to using other oils in the kitchen, however, you can only take in so much oil, and that's exactly why you need to read this article! Olive LEAF extract or tea is the latest superfood craze.
¤¤¤Firstly and most importantly the reason you MUST supplement yourself with Olive leaf extract is because:
1) Olive leaf contains the antioxidant capacity equivalent (fights free radicals) of almost DOUBLE compared to that of green tea extract!!!
2) Olive leaf extract is credited with containing 400% more Vitamin C than green tea extract!!¤¤¤
Okay, let's get down to the scientific nitty-gritty data:
Olive Leaf contains a compound known as Oleocanthal, which is a 'phenylethanoid' (pen-nile-leth-a-noid), a type of natural phenolic ingredient found in extra-virgin olive oil, more so in - Olive leaf extract.
If you have ever consumed extra virgin olive oil and experienced a burning in the back of your throat, similar to eating raw beetroot (used for treating oral cancer) the Oleocanthal is what burns it...According to the Wikipedia, if you consumed about 4 plus tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil per day, you would be consuming roughly 5o grams of Oleocanthal. According to in-vitro research done on the beneficial effects of oleocanthal chemistry, 50 grams of oleocanthal would provide an anti-inflammatory effect on a human body similar to taking a 1/10 adult dosage of Ibuprofen. Based on that assessment, we can safely assume that regularly consuming Olive leaf extract would have the same advantages as regularly using NSAID's (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) as I was when I dislocated my coccyx (slipped disc)
One thing I noticed was, as soon as I stopped taking the Ibuprofen, my pain was back and I could barely walk, so stiff were my joints.
Health benefits of Olive leaf extract include:
• Provides natural pain relief for inflammation induced pain as similar to using NSAID's
• Anti-aging-promotes the longevity and wellbeing of cell structures promoting firmer, more beautiful, younger looking skin and tissue rejuvenation.
• Immunostimulator- boosts and stimulates a weakened immune system
• Antibiotic- naturally treats and prevents sickness and bacterial infections
• Anti-inflammatory- stops and soothes inflammation caused by disease or injury.
• Antimutagenic- contains agents that prevent and fight cancer in the body. Olive leaf extract if consumed religiously is 'A Cure For Cancer' like no other!
• Treats and prevents Alzeimers
• Treats and naturally heals Arthritis
• Treats and prevents Psoriasis, Eczema, Ringworms and 'fungal nappy rash'
•Is rumored in the treatment of low blood pressure though test have not formerly proven it.
• Treats and naturally heals Diabetes.
• Treats immune-suppressed sickness as it functions similarly to 'Moringa' that is used by HIV and Aids diagnosed people in Africa
• Treats herpes along with the symptoms thereof.
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