09 January, 2015

Cancer Research Uk | Call To Action!

Cancer research uk determined that people who consumed alcohol on a regular basis stand a much higher chance of been diagnosed with cancer than the person who abstains or drinks much less and not in consistent pattern of consuming alcohol. "Alcohol has long been a scientifically established cause of cancer." - Sarah Williams, Cancer Research UK Well, the question I would like to know is, if the cancer research uk team have known that for such a long time, why are the british public so ignorant to the facts regarding consuming booze and cancer? A recent UK cancer research national survey determined that only 47% of british people were fully aware of any direct link between consuming alcohol and cancer diagnosis, or even that alcohol is carcinogenic in nature at all! In a positive light, though, an overwhelming majority of 83 per cent of the people who participated in that poll would vote yes for new and improved nutritional health data labeling of alcoholic beverage produced, for the consumer to become more aware of the risks involving chronic drinking patterns and the dangers thereof. “Alcohol has long been a scientifically established cause of cancer, but there is surprisingly low awareness among the public of this link. -Sarah Williams (Cancer Research Uk) “And it isn't just a risk for heavy drinkers; regularly drinking alcohol puts you at greater risk of seven different types of cancer, including breast and mouth cancer” Concerning cancer research uk stats and more importantly the most reported breast cancer uk diagnosis we should feel the need more than ever to actively promote the prevention of cancer for all british people and even internationally. •49,936 women and 349 men in the UK were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2011. • In 2012 the number of 11,643 reports of female and 73 male deaths from invasive breast cancer were reported in the UK alone. • For those people diagnosed in 2010-2011 in England and Wales are predicted to survive ten or more years, 78% are adult female invasive breast cancer patients, that is under 80% breast cancer survivors in Uk. •breast cancer in both male and female patients...In 2010, a shocking high number of 5,765 women and 26 men in the UK were diagnosed with “in situ breast carcinoma” •27% of annual breast cancer cases in the UK are directly linked to poor lifestyle and other risk factors, which makes cancer prevention and particularly breast cancer prevention a cause worthy of fighting for.   In the EU it isn't a legal prerogative for food and soft drink products to declare nutritional value info, despite the fact that alcohol is classed as a group 1 carcinogen by the WHO. When, if ever will we see active campaigns from the cancer research uk team to the public? After all, “prevention is better than cure” and even more so for the prevention of- (instead of, treatment of) cancer, because with all the funds been raised in the cancer cure department, is it possible that we focused our energies on the wrong plateau, treating cancer cure rather than the prevention in the first place? Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that it makes more sense to prevent teenage pregnancies than forming an NP0 for teenage mothers with babies. We need to stop the cancer research uk funding and put some money where our mouth is. Cancer can be beaten but it has to start with common sense and the prevention of cancer makes up a large part of that cancer fighting strategy. http://debunkcancer.blogspot.com

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