30 January, 2015

DCA For Cancer Treatment Perfect For Stubborn Cancer

Proof That DCA For Cancer Actually Cures Cancer Sodium dichloroacetate, used with caffeine plus vitb1 as dca cure for cancer. This letter by web editors was received by Dr. Braat MCP, a former pulmonologist, in which he criticized the DCA (dichloroacetate) cancer treatment of the drug. Below is an edited extract followed by comment from Dr. D. Brandsma, a neurologist from the dutch Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Hospital in Holland. Why Dichloroacetic acid / DCA For Cancer Treatment? Letter from Braat about DCA Comment by Dr. MCP Braat “The association is set to a negative attitude towards dichloroacetic acid (DCA). DCA anti-cancer effect has not yet been carefully and extensively tested in patients, but there are good arguments for patients who want to try DCA for cancer treatment. I have in my working life, witness many 'miracle cures' , but believe that DCA is a promising agent that potentially could affect the cancer, preferably as adjunctive therapy in addition to standard anti-cancer treatments. For safety sake, DCA for cancer should preferably not be used without medical supervision. At least somebody treating themselves alternatively should inform their doctor that he or she is self-medicating with DCA for cancer, especially as the case of herxing from cancer can be dangerous. The dismissive attitude of oncologists are wrong and provokes self treatment without the regular practitioner been aware that the cancer patient is using dca for cancer, therefore no real medical examination will be undertaken, which is why the patient must inform the doctor as safety protocol. DCA reactivates the mitochondria in cancer cells (Bonnet 2007). In most cancer cells, the mitochondria are disabled, some growth (and metastasis) of cancer promotes while reactivation of the mitochondria by DCA makes cancer cells susceptible to destruction again. DCA's already being used in tablet or drink, especially in children with congenital mitochondrial muscle disease. The numerous clinical studies over the past twenty years have shown that in any case the use of DCA gives little complaints, less than the current anti-cancer treatments. At higher dosage however, patients may sometimes experience a type of nerve stimulation (polyneuropathy), which makes it necessary to stop dosage for a while, medical monitoring is then essential. The group from the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), in 2007 the anti-cancer effect of DCA for cancer as first described, reported in October 2008 that has now started two clinical trials with private sources, in collaboration with the Cross Cancer Institute and the Alberta Cancer Board. Medicor, a Canadian private cancer center, where terminally ill patients who wish to be treated with DCA under medical supervision (but not in the context of mainstream research), in September 2008 describes a 60-70% overall positive response rate in 265 patients with end stage of various forms of cancer, in whom DCA is often used as an adjuvant agent. In summary, DCA is a very promising anti-cancer drug which acts on an important and generally cancer cell mechanism. There is extensive clinical research is needed before it is finally clear whether and which DCA can take place at the regular cancer therapy. It is very understandable and well palpable when those who do not have time, do not want to wait for results of the trials in Alberta. These patients are advised not to use DCA without the knowledge of the medical practitioner; this, therefore, can provide the FDG-PET scan, which is a prerequisite for the treatment; After all, if this is negative, there is no basis for the treatment with DCA.” DCA for cancer treatment works by inactivating lactic acid. All sugar becomes lactic acid in the body which is why sugar is forbidden in the treatment of cancer. If you use dca for cancer you must take homeopathic remedies or adaptogenic herbs that are highly antioxidant, can therefore destroy free radicals and excrete the dead cancer cells and prevent the herx-heimer reaction. Herxing is just the body way of saying the cancer is dead, it can be safely excreted by using turmeric and especially if a cancer patient is been treated with dca for cancer he should be using homeopathic remedies such as turmeric and black pepper combined for anti-oxidant nutrient rich blood. When the cancer dies the body will experience herxing as an allergic reaction to the dead microbes, dead cancer cells and parasites killed by the dca for cancer. How To Treat Herxing While Using DCA For Cancer? Homeopathic remedies such as Turmeric and black pepper combined can also purify the blood and cleanse and regenerate the liver as well. Take 1/4 tsp turmeric with 1/4 fine ground black pepper in half a glass of water twice a day. And if you are using dca for cancer -for every cup of caffeine that you use drink a 250ml water or rooibos tea afterwards as the cancer patient must stay hydrated and caffeine dehydrates the body but it is only used to accelerate the killing of the cancer cells. Other homeopathic remedies such as grapeseed extract, cannabis oil, liposomal vitamin C and carrot and beetroot raw juicing are good to use as supplement when using dca for cancer, but just remember the importance of staying hydrated. This concludes the summary of the letter from Dr. Braat. VtdK asked mrs. dr. D. Brandsma, a neurologist at the Dutch Cancer Institute, for advice. Dr. Brandsma is familiar with the DCA-use in cancer patients, non-regular prescribed by physicians, and has seen serious neurological consequences of this. She has a number of comments on the contribution of Dr. Braat. Watch the video below to understand more about the use of dca for cancer treatment.

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