19 April, 2015

Fighting Cancer Beating Depression Naturally With Anti Depression Meds

Depression In Cancer Patients Is Often Overlooked.

Written by Tim Kraaijvanger on August 28, 2014 at 16:10 pm

Three quarters of the Scottish cancer patients who suffer from depression do not get psychological help. This report scientists in three articles in The Lancet . Cancer patients also have a much greater chance of being depressed. The researchers argue that the psychological symptoms by physicians are often sidelined.

British researchers Jane Walke and Michael Sharpe analyzed data from more than 21,000 Scottish cancer patients. Six to thirteen percent of these patients was found to be suffering from depression. This is a high percentage, especially in comparison with the rest of the population. Scientists suspect that an average of two percent of the population is depressed.

Only a quarter helped
Although there so much reports of depression in cancer patients, of those with depressive symptoms, only a quarter of them receive anti depressants. The other patients push their psychological distress to the side, or the signals are not received by doctors.

Traditional Anti-Depression Treatment

A cancer patient incidentally has little interest in regular therapy. The researchers claim that other therapy it catches on, where there is a greater role for nurses. This therapy consists of medications (antidepressants) Encourage patients to stay active and is focused on solving problems. In a study with 500 patients, it appears that this special treatment to ensure that the decrease depressive symptoms in more than 60% of the patients.

Natural Anti Depression Meds
Depressed? Does your anti-depression medication work for you, and what other options would you consider as patient with the blues?

"It is heartbreaking that cancer patients who are already working with the toughest fight of their lives, still struggling with depression and that without help," says Jacqui Graves of Macmillan Cancer Support Foundation told BBC . "When a person feels depressed, he or she should immediately contact a doctor."
Depression in cancer patients can be successfully treated, even better the anti depressants such as prozac or fluoxetine are enhanced naturally by supplementing the anti-cancer herb, turmeric taken as a daily dosage and a tincture of cannabis every evening.
Always add black pepper to turmeric for maximum results. What better way in fighting cancer than killing two birds with one precious, ayurvedic stone, no wonder cancer patients call this special herbal elixir, the “golden milk”

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