07 May, 2015

Muscadine Grape Seed Supplement Benefits and Side Effects


Muscadine grape seed extract supplements touted for its antioxidant benefits and to provide a boost to the immune system. The properties of this extract is said to improve cardiovascular health, slow down aging, improving health of the eye, and protect against cancer. There are only three grape varieties used in making grape seed extract: Vitis vinifera, labrusca, and muscadine grapes. These are all red wine grapes and a byproduct of the wine making industry.

Red grapes have the highest levels of polyphenols which, to some extent, the color explains. This is also one of the compounds which gives grape seed extract its beneficial properties. Muscadine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia) are rarer than the other two races, because they are found only in the southeastern US There are more than 300 muscadine cultivars or varieties grown in the US .. In the US known for their thick skin, unlike other grapes, most muscadines are peeled before eating.

Muscadine Grape Seed Extract
Table of contents
Grape Seed Extract
Benefits & Effects
Recommended dosage
Shared use
Anti-cancer effects
Lowering blood pressure
Side Effects
Best Supplements
Where to buy
Muscadine Seed Extract
The muscadine grape has a long history in America, of not only used to prevent disease, but also in the auxiliary recovery. The grape has an extra chromosome makes it particularly resistant to extreme climate and disease. It is believed that this mechanism is passed on to those that the grape, and then increases the antioxidant properties.

Although many studies are still inconclusive about the effects of muscadine grape seed extract, others have considerable proven. One study found resting positive vascular effects in the brachial artery diameter. However, it did not find any other important advantages with respect to anti-oxidant effects, inflammation or lipid peroxidation. However, it is possible that the study may be limited due to the fact that the participants were treated only with grape seed extract 4 weeks. As a consumer, especially in America, you can even consume grape seed extract without knowing it. The supplement, they are rich in fiber, an ingredient in some nutritional meal replacement bars.

The Muscadine Grape in Medicine
The muscadine it is thought that many of the properties that may prove to be beneficial to include modern medicine. It is necessary to distinguish between the effects of the whole grape, wine, juice, seed (extract) and the skin. There have been comparative studies measuring the effectiveness of prostate cancer between resveratrol and muscadine. These indicate that the compounds, in their own way, inhibit cancer cell growth. However, the compounds which differ in the skin of the muscadine and the proportions of that of the extract or seed.

Another study was the efficacy in the inhibition of cancer cells both the seed and the skin of the muscadine. The findings were significant. However, a problem with this study is that currently there is no indication it is peer-reviewed or published in a recognized scientific or medical journal. The findings are both interesting and promising, and it may be, the catalyst at the start of further financing and research. However, researchers believe that there is need for further research regarding muscadine grape benefits.

What is Muscadine Grape Seed Extract Good For?
The advantages of the muscadine grapes are similar to those of other grape seed extracts. However, by the thickness of the skins, the concentration of compounds is believed higher. This is the reason why promote some manufacturers of grape seed extract of the fact that they make use of muscadine grapes as a sign of complement a high quality.

Especially the flavonoids as antioxidants are thought significantly more powerful in this extract than those of other races. Flavonoids are sometimes referred to as polyphenols and the skin of the muscadine is in this particular substance. As a result, the antioxidant effects are better than that of vitamin C or vitamin E. Therefore, muscadine extract is said to protect against oxidative and free radical damage. Scientists now believe that free radical damage is the basis of common, yet serious, disease. These include:

Heart disease
Macular degeneration
Neurological degenerative diseases: Parkinson's disease ie
... And many others
Should you buy Muscadine Grape Seed Extract?
Products containing antioxidants and limiting the damage caused by free radicals, are becoming increasingly important as we understand more about how the aging process works and how we can slow it down. With a supplement such as Muscadine Grape known to be rich in antioxidants, there is no wonder that more and more attention.
In general, consumers take this supplement as a preventative measure. They try to minimize the damage caused by environmental factors and improve overall health for longer periods. In some instances, the nutrient is also taken for cosmetic reasons in order to reduce free radical damage to the skin and reduce the signs of aging.

This product is not as widely available as other grape seed extracts. However, it is more expensive. Expect to pay around $ 0.20 per dose for Muscadine Grape Seed Extract. Nature's Pearl specializing in muscadine products, but the cost is higher and can reach $ 1 per day. Make sure to look at the label before you buy a supplement to determine the amount of grape seed extract provided per serving. High quality products should be at least 80% procyandin satisfied with about 200 mg of grape seed extract per capsule.

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