28 May, 2014

Beet The Superfood & Wonder Root Cancer Treatment .

Beetroot Is Especially Good For Bowel Cancer.

I started using beetroot to naturally cleanse, detoxify and boost my immune system, and to my amazement it totally healed me of that dreadful inflammatory, skin condition, Psoriasis, as well. And let me tell you I really suffered with it. So I thought I would share with you some of the information about this incredible root and the benefits you will see after regularly consuming it.

If you will begin juicing beetroot, you could tone down the pungent taste by adding pineapple or apple, though I used rooibos tea and a little bit of honey, you can play around and improvise though you should consider that the Beetroot effectively treats cancer, particularly oral cancer, like throat or cancer of the gums, so it makes perfect sense that it burns the back of your throat when you are eating it #raw.

I used to give my 3rd son, Benjamin, a slice of beetroot whilst teething and he would bite, chewing away on it, seemingly the vegetable soothed the annoying, itching, teething pain of the gum flesh, so I will go as far to sing the praises of this extraordinary root and say it can be used safely by teething babies as well! :-)

 Here is a list of some of the illness beetroot cures and treats:

• Anemia- Beetroot assists in the absorbtion of iron, it improves blood circulation and the formation of the oxygen carrying red blood cells (erythrocytes) thereby aiding in increasing hemoglobin and the treatment of anemia by regularly consuming beet juice or eating the root, however it will increase blood supply faster if taken raw. Also, the body absorbs iron faster when taken with Vitamin C.

•Hypertension- Beetroot is known to lower and control the blood pressure, one hour after intake. Beets therefore reduce cardiovascular disease by preventing strokes and heart attacks, it works by keeping blood pressure at the optimal level to ensure good health. So bye-bye, "High blood pressure."

•Cancer- Beetroot is one of the main juices used in the treatment of cancer. When fish and meat are being cooked, heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) are released into the body, but the tough CANCER FIGHTING properties of the Beetroot is powerful enough to minimize the prolific spread of cancer, by reducing the rate at which the "cancer cells" multiply. Beetroot’s deep red color pigment, better known as 'Betacyanin', has been proven by scientific research to contain antimutagenic properties conducive to effectively minimizing pre-cancerous esophageal tumors and lesions, thereby shrinking cancer growth in throat cancer patients! In a study wherein cancer treatments were experimented with, 'Betanin' was recognized a successful treatment of both liver and skin tumors. Specifically used in the treatment of bowel or 'colon cancer'.

Benefits of beetroot juicing.

• Aging- Beetroot, due to its richness in antioxidants, destroys the destructive free radicals that result in skin aging faster. Beetroot is used, to prevent premature aging and excessive wrinkles, regularly consuming beets will help keep the skin soft and supple and younger looking you. Though remember that consuming raw provides the best visible treatment in a shorter period than consuming cooked, and keep in mind that with this treatment you are treating your skin from within.

• High energy levels- When the muscles consume less oxygen during physical activity and exercize, better cell functioning and muscle contractile energetics in humans occur, this in turn produces less fatigue, increased endurance, higher levels of stamina. Beetroot juicing and regular consumption of beets provide optimal vitality, optimal energy to ensure a person can live a healthier, fuller life with more energy. That is why so many people swear by beet juicing, even though they are'nt fighting cancer.

 • Cellulite- Beets are known to inhibit toxins, which when combined with a daily exercize regime, effectively eradicates stubborn cellulite, as fat cannot be excreted from cells when they are attached to toxins. So if you wanna lose weight and #cellulite, especially, you really should try beetroot juicing, it works! What greater reason would any woman need to love beetroot or should I say which woman doesn't HATE cellulite? • Glandular fever -Tests revealed that Beets can be successfully used to treat Epstein Bar virus in people suffering with glandular fever.

•Inflammation- This is the main cause of most human illness and disease, when inflammatory conditions subside, conditions for disease is reduced, and beetroot is known to powerfully eliminate inflammation in the body. No wonder it is a cancer fighting drug, "Go figure! • Obesity/Weight loss- Properties found in the juice of beetroot, 'glycine betaine' and 'methionine' promotes detoxification of the liver and stimulates the liver cells to regenerate themselves, aiding the liver to function at its peak, ensuring optimum health and the ideal setting for perfect weight control. #weightloss #burnfat

• Liver detox- The above mentioned active ingredients in beetroot protect the liver & bile ducts, thus promoting liver, kidney and bladder functioning and good health in general.

• Brain function-When included in the diet on an ongoing basis, dementia can be prevented and treated, due to the blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain, beets prevent neurological diseases associated with aging. In clinical trials, improvement in cognitive processing in patients with memory loss, increased functioning of the memory has been effectively noted , in as little as four days improvement is seen! Another reason you can make beetroot a part of your family diet.

Maintain Your Health, Prevent & Treat Cancer With Cinnamon!

C. Cassia or Cinnamon Is Used To Naturally Cure Cancer.

You probably have fond memories of your grandmother everytime you smell a cinnamon pastry or taste it sprinkled over the yummiest slice of the South African delicacy known as 'milktart' or dutch 'melktert'. These are so painfully delicious that if you ate one slice, you could easily eat the whole tart as the pastry just melts in your mouth and the cinnamon dusted on top leaves a sinfully pleasant after-taste of guilt in your mouth if it were not yours.

Cinnamon is commonly known as a spice though it is actually bark pulled from the cinnamomum verum tree. The culinary spice is derived from seven species of plant or tree, usually Cinnamomum verum and C. cassia. Medicinally, cinnamon is more than just a fuzzy warming spice to add to red wine in winter or a steaming dish of spicy Curry in freezing temperatures.

Cinnamon is antiviral, is used as a carminative to soothe irritated, windy stomachs and also known to help with colds. My mom makes a mixture of ground cinnamon mixed with honey and keeps in a glass jar for colds, every few times a year she makes a soap of cinnamon and the spicey soap actually helps take off dead skin cells as a natural exfoliator. Mom also takes her "trojan horse" cancer prevention protocol with honey andcinnamon instead of maple syrup or like I do, with molasses!

 The chemotherapuetic dietary experiments determine that cinnamic aldehyde or cinnamaldehyde under microscope is shown to activate the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response in human epithelial colon cells targeting and killing off colorectal carcinogenesis. Pharmacological research has thus verified that the antioxidant rich cinnamon can be used in prevention of cancer. Now you can prevent cancer too.

Cure For Cancer: Increase Oxygen With Sodium Bicarb.

cure cancer
Sodium Bicarbonate 'Bicarb' cures cancer by supplying life giving oxygen to cells.

Athletes use Bicarbonate of Soda to enhance their performance. The benefits of sodium bicarbonate is claimed to have provided researchers with evidence noting observation of oxygen increase in athletes taking 'bicarb' or Sodium bicarbonate. Up your oxygen levels with a single dose of Bicarbonate of Soda taken 60-90 minutes before commencing exercise and just like the athletes you will be preventing cancer because cancer cells mutate and spread in a low oxygen enviroment.

By increasing the oxygen the cancer stops spreading while the sodium bicarbonate goes to work killing the cancer cells. Cancer cells are just cells that are working 'out of order' because they are not performing the natural requirements that they are supposed to be performing (cellular dysfunction is caused by poor nutrition, unbalanced diet, smoking, no or little exercise, thus insufficient oxygen level essential to maintain or keep bodily cells functioning) so they mutate at a speed 'thinking' that they are fighting an invasion though they are doing more harm than good, sometimes even attacking vital organs. This is especially so for people with Psoriasis whose cells begin killing off the white blood cells, these cells are supposed to fight infection yet they begin disposing of their own good cells as well, such as in the case of  inflammatory Psoriasis , the speed at which the cells grow are dangerously fast and the only alternative to healing is to begin eating a 80% vegetarian or wholefood diet.

 This site speaks about how I was healed by diet, even though other people suffer with psoriasis for over ten years, I healed mine with eating fresh guava leaves, making a tea of it, drinking rooibos (aspathulas linearis) and drinking Bicarbonate of Soda. For the time I was suffering immensely with the inflammation of the skin, I noted visible change within days of starting the treatment. With the guava tea decoction I made (although bitter) I also treated my son and husband for blocked sinus. The antioxidant level is so high, similar to that of grape seed extract, I compared the guava tea extract to that of procydin, which is the acclaimed brand of grape seed here in South Africa. When it heals blocked sinus the nose will begin to bleed but if the person is drinking sufficient water to cleanse out the toxins that were built up in the sinus, all the muck disintegrates and is expelled, hence the bleeding, so its important then to not stop the treatment and take it at least 2 weeks.

 I cannot over exaggerate the need for taking the bicarb whilst drinking enough water, also remember, if you do not have a water purification system in your home, the very least you should be doing is checking and regularly taking the bicarb as it kills all the chemical compounds we are consuming along with the normal tap water.  If ph kills cancer how much more can the bicarbonate not protect our systems from all the chemicals and toxins even found in tap water, let alone to ease out and remove toxic buildup and begin natural healing in the body? Also remember to drink sufficient water, just as you flush your toilet and imagine how 'disgusting' is a toilet that cannot flush, how you don't even want to use it, why would you NEVER drink water yet expect your body to eliminate and cleanse out toxins to prevent disease. People are funny like that, judging each other but God always humbles the proud and lifts up the humble!!!

I am taking the trojan horse at least once per week and recommend the same, though I use half teaspoon of Bicarb to one flat tsp of crude molasses. First dissolve the bicarb in half glass of boiling water, add the molasses (some people use honey instead) then top with half glass of cold water so to just practically drink it fast as if its a lemonade and you're stuck in the dessert somewhere or you're stranded on an island! After taking my 'trojan horse' I reward myself with a good hot cup of coffee, that reminds me about that post I read somewhere on drinking cardamom in your coffee to naturally reduce the acidity... "There she goes, there she goes again..." Sometimes I make myself smile, at the very least I will live long enough to see my sons graduating from varsity! Remember the key to survive and see the fruits of your labor you have to keep persistent. Believe against all odds. Read up on what faith is, and if you don't have any, go on your knees and pray for some. That's what I did. Except I cried. It was seemingly the most difficult, most painful, most dark time of my life, yet I got my miracle, and I'm still here today, only stronger and ushering you into your 'truthtime'! Sometimes the greatest miracles you will ever see is when you are at your most vulnerable.

 Don't be afraid to go on your knees! Don't be vulnerable to people, don't look to help from others look up! God says, "go into your room, shut the door and (in private) speak to your Father in heaven." Somebody told me today that's its not important to pray, that they only pray once a week! I remembered a time when it was VERY VERY difficult for me to pray. Though the scripture goes on and says..."Speak to your Father in heaven. " God loves sincerity, and if you need to cry, if you are angry, just be honest with God but do ask Him to help you, and then Believe!!! Next wait for your miracle. He just wants your honesty.  Jesus Christ loves you and will help you. And when you pray, BELIEVE that God has answered your prayer "For Without FAITH it is impossible to please God!" Now expect your answer! Stay blessed! From me to you wishing you health, wellness, hope and victorious future. May you crush the obstacles in your life and may every curse become a blessing. Pray it over yourself and loved ones. Remember that even though you take all the best health precautions, no healing, nothing is possible without God, the giver of life. He is the ultimate source of healing and goodness.

23 May, 2014

Rick Simpson Oil Using Cannabis Oil To Kill Cancer Ans Relieve Pain.

Cannabis Oil Destroys Cancer.

Cannabis Sativa or "Phoenix Tears" is a powerful "fighting cancer" herb!
Cannabis Sativa or "Phoenix Tears" is a powerful "fighting cancer" herb!
 In Scientific studies concerning the endocannabinoid system and how it affects health and in particular cancer, researchers concluded that Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamide, AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG); which, in simple terms, are lipids (fatty acids) within the brain, are made up of ARA or arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is not carcinogenic in nature. However studies determine that dietary level does not display evidence of risk (positive or negative) to cancers. ARA is essential to the immune system, inflammatory and cell growth process, however, natural cell function is disturbed in many types of disease including cancer.

 Researchers, therefore do not recommend supplementation of ARA for cancer patients. "Therefore, the safety of arachidonic acid supplementation in patients suffering from cancer, inflammatory, or other diseased states is unknown, and supplementary ARA is not recommended." This is precisely why the alternative cancer is provided through the consumption and application of Phoenix Tears, which has been clinically proven to kill cancerous cells. Medical marijuana is the natural form of ARA the body uses to naturally reduce inflammation and bring about normal cell function. Research into how exactly Cannabis functions within the endocannabinoid system, concluded that cannabinoids act as neuromodulators[2][3][4] or managers for a variety of physiological processes within the human body, some of these processes include motor learning.

 Motor learning is just the way in which the brain (such as that of an infant) learns how to adapt and control movement of the limbs in sync with the messages being sent by the brain eg; "pick up the sippy cup" or "get up now" 5] synaptic plasticity,[6] appetite,[7] and pain sensation.[8] Synaptic plasticity is one of the chief processes during which the brain undergoes significant changes in neural function, it is one of the most paramount neurochemical foundations of learning and memory.

Rick Simpson Oil Cured Brain Cancer In tests to determine the efficiency of THC, the compound responsible for curing cancer, researchers had two patients suffering from recurrent glioblastoma multiforme, a fast paced brain cancer. The Spanish scientists made use of electron microscopes to analyze the brain tissue samples taken before and after a 30-day THC trial treatment, upon concluding the experiments of Cannabis application and effect thereof on the cancerous samples they discovered that the THC had obliterated the cancer cells while protecting the surrounding healthy ones.

 According to the discoverer of Phoenix Tears, Rick Simpson, “The psychoactive chemical in marijuana promoted the death of brain cancer cells by helping them feed on themselves in a process known as autophagy.” He claims that much opposition to the ground breaking effects of medical marijuana to cancer patients, especially as he had no intention of breaking the law, after the scientific research to back up the claims that phoenix tears work, "Strangely, little mention of this groundbreaking study made it into the national news. Instead, the media continues to run gutter-science reports on marijuana’s cancer-causing effects, even though regular users of marijuana continue to have lower cancer rates than non-users" "While working on this story, I got a call from longtime cannabis activist Joe Barton, who had been providing free oil to a throat-cancer patient in Woodstock, NY. After Barton delivered 25 grams of oil -- nearly half the treatment -- his home was raided by an Ulster County drug task force. The police confiscated all of the plants and oil, which ended the treatment prematurely. Six months later, the patient died. “The oil was working,” says Barton.

“His neck tumor had gone down, and he was talking normally again.” Medical marijauna taken as medication in the effective natural treatment for cancer still works effectively today, despite the huge taboo surrounding its use by mainstream soceity. You decide for yourself. Besides being a tough antimutagenic herb for fighting cancer, cannabis also assists in the production of energy, increases the rate at which the body metabolizes food. Thus it provides chemicals and fortifies nutrient quota required by the body cells to heal tissues and fight infection.

Cannabis increases appetite, lowers stress by acting as adaptogenic herb, uplifts the mood of the cancer patient, eases anxiety, boosts immunity, aids insomnia, acts as analgesic providing pain relief, and regulates bodily temperature. You decide for yourself. Would you go after what people think is scandalous or treat yourself or a suffering loved one with Phoenix Tears or such a healing medicinal plant?

22 May, 2014

DCA: Cancer Killing Drug, A Potent Combo With Caffeine.

Coffee consumed simultaneously with 'DCA' successfully cured glioblastoma.

I'm sure you have heard that coffee is more unhealthy than beneficial to your wellness. This article might surprise you, though, please do keep in mind that the body requires a balance of acidity to alkalinity, to stay in perfectly healthy condition, especially so concerning the prevention of disease. According to Cancer Research UK, the results of a complicated cancer study published in 2012, [120] provided much needed insight into the results coffee consumption had on cancer, (highlighting that there was absolutely no association between cancer and the consumption of coffee ) The research findings indicated that regularly drinking coffee "had no effect on the risk of dying from cancer."[122] Other studies suggest coffee consumption reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease,[123] dementia,[123] Parkinson's disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,[124] cirrhosis,[125] and gout. Specifically, the antidiabetic effect of caffeine has been attributed to caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid.[127] “The presence of antioxidants in coffee have been shown to prevent free radicals from causing cell damage, which could lead to cancer.[128] Antioxidant levels vary depending on how the beans are roasted as well as for how long.”. Source: (Wikipedia) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee Scientists from the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have discovered "a cure for cancer" which is really just a rather simple drug named "Dichloroacetate" an inexpensive little drug, used in the treatment of metabolic disorders. Here is a link: ( http://m.stm.sciencemag.org/content/2/31/31ra34.abstract ) to the scientific evidence concluding that Dichloroacetate or 'DCA' as it is better known was successfully used in the healing of brain cancer or glioblastoma! In the words of the scientists themselves; "Solid tumors, including the aggressive primary brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme, develop resistance to cell death, in part as a result of a switch from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to cytoplasmic glycolysis. This metabolic remodeling is accompanied by mitochondrial hyperpolarization. We tested whether the small-molecule and orphan drug dichloroacetate (DCA) can reverse this cancer-specific metabolic and mitochondrial remodeling in glioblastoma. Freshly isolated glioblastomas from 49 patients showed mitochondrial hyperpolarization, which was rapidly reversed by DCA. In a separate experiment with five patients who had glioblastoma, we prospectively secured baseline and serial tumor tissue, developed patient-specific cell lines of glioblastoma and putative glioblastoma stem cells (CD133+, nestin+ cells), and treated each patient with oral DCA for up to 15 months. DCA depolarized mitochondria, increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, and induced apoptosis in GBM cells, as well as in putative GBM stem cells, both in vitro and in vivo. DCA therapy also inhibited the hypoxia-inducible factor–1α, promoted p53 activation, and suppressed angiogenesis both in vivo and in vitro." DCA is known as powerfully antimutagenic when used simultaneously with caffeine! In this experiment, DCA was tested according to patients who consume and abstain from caffeine: A study was made of 29 cancer respondents. Here is the list of cancers from the surveys in which the cancer patients answered 'yes' to consuming DCA with caffeine. Out of 29 The below listed 25 respondents consumed caffeine. The information recorded was taken directly from the survey documentation used in the trial to assess the usefulness of DCA in collaboration with caffeine .

 •1. Bladder cancer, metted to lungs. stage 4

•2. Cholangiocarcinoma. stage 4.

•3.Colon cancer removed surgically, one year later metted to lungs. Stage 4

•4. Colon Cancer, metted to lungs and liver.

•5. Colorectal, stage 4

•6. Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma

•7. Esophageal cancer, livers mets

•8. Esophageal cancer, metted to liver

•9. HCC (adenocarcinomarenis), stage 4

•10. Malignant melanoma, stage 4

•11. Malignant melanoma

•12. NSCLC, metted to brain

•13. NSCLC, stage 4

•14. NSCLC, stage 4

•15. NSCLC, metted to lungs, stage 4

•16. NSCLC, metted to lymphatic system. stage 4

•17. Odema carcinoma (large cell), stage 4

•18. Ovarian, stage 3 Ovarian stage 3

•19. Peritoneal carcinoma, stage 4

•20. Primary Peritoneal, stage 3

•21. Prostate cancer, stage 3

•22. Prostate cancer, stage 4

•23. Prostate- post radical prostemectomy

•24. Sigma-Colon cancer, removed by surgery, metted to lungs, stage 4

•25. 3 tumors not proven to be cancerous, on roof of mouth and one in each breast.

{ From the survey, the 4 cancer respondents below are the '4 positives' that abstained from caffeine consumption;  the people who used DCA without consuming caffeine but were successfully 'cured of cancer'}

•26. NSCLC, stage 4

•27. CLL, chronic lymphatic leukemia

•28. Uterine and Ovarian cancer

•29. Planocellular lung cancer, stage 4

19 May, 2014

The Powerful Anti Cancer Benefits Of Olive Leaf Extract

Olive Leaf Extract Is A Potent Fighting Cancer Remedy.
If you remember 'Popeye The Sailor Man' a famed children's cartoon, you should remember that he used spinach as his superfood tactic to regularly beat his enemy who challenged him at stealing his beloved love interest, 'Olive'.... Well, its with much excitement that I wrote you this very health article as the much loved and medicinal Olive tree has the power of boosting your health most magnificently! Perhaps like my grandma, yours recommended a tablespoon of Olive oil and vinegar? Today let's focus on the 'health benefits of olive leaf extract'. Most people are aware of the well renowned health benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil compared to using other oils in the kitchen, however, you can only take in so much oil, and that's exactly why you need to read this article! Olive LEAF extract or tea is the latest superfood craze. ¤¤¤Firstly and most importantly the reason you MUST supplement yourself with Olive leaf extract is because: 1) Olive leaf contains the antioxidant capacity equivalent (fights free radicals) of almost DOUBLE compared to that of green tea extract!!! 2) Olive leaf extract is credited with containing 400% more Vitamin C than green tea extract!!¤¤¤ Okay, let's get down to the scientific nitty-gritty data: Olive Leaf contains a compound known as Oleocanthal, which is a 'phenylethanoid' (pen-nile-leth-a-noid), a type of natural phenolic ingredient found in extra-virgin olive oil, more so in - Olive leaf extract. If you have ever consumed extra virgin olive oil and experienced a burning in the back of your throat, similar to eating raw beetroot (used for treating oral cancer) the Oleocanthal is what burns it...According to the Wikipedia, if you consumed about 4 plus tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil per day, you would be consuming roughly 5o grams of Oleocanthal. According to in-vitro research done on the beneficial effects of oleocanthal chemistry, 50 grams of oleocanthal would provide an anti-inflammatory effect on a human body similar to taking a 1/10 adult dosage of Ibuprofen. Based on that assessment, we can safely assume that regularly consuming Olive leaf extract would have the same advantages as regularly using NSAID's (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) as I was when I dislocated my coccyx (slipped disc) One thing I noticed was, as soon as I stopped taking the Ibuprofen, my pain was back and I could barely walk, so stiff were my joints.

 Health benefits of Olive leaf extract include:

• Provides natural pain relief for inflammation induced pain as similar to using NSAID's 

 • Anti-aging-promotes the longevity and wellbeing of cell structures promoting firmer, more beautiful, younger looking skin and tissue rejuvenation. 

• Immunostimulator- boosts and stimulates a weakened immune system 

• Antibiotic- naturally treats and prevents sickness and bacterial infections • Anti-inflammatory- stops and soothes inflammation caused by disease or injury. 

• Antimutagenic- contains agents that prevent and fight cancer in the body. Olive leaf extract if consumed religiously is 'A Cure For Cancer' like no other! 

 • Treats and prevents Alzeimers • Treats and naturally heals Arthritis 

 • Treats and prevents Psoriasis, Eczema, Ringworms and 'fungal nappy rash' 

•Is rumored in the treatment of low blood pressure though test have not formerly proven it. 

• Treats and naturally heals Diabetes. 

• Treats immune-suppressed sickness as it functions similarly to 'Moringa' that is used by HIV and Aids diagnosed people in Africa 

• Treats herpes along with the symptoms thereof.

17 May, 2014

Healing Naturally With 3 'T'errific Antimutagenic Herbs!

natural cancer cures
Basil Used In Raw Juicing, Kills Cancer Cells
Millions of plants are used for their medicinal ability to heal disease. There are 3 extraordinary herbs that not only hold status as being tough on cancer and inhibiting the ability of the cancer cells to flourish within the human body, but the herbal trio also each begin with the letter "T".

Turmeric, Tulsi and Thyme are powerful natural healing agents that possess the characteristics required to effectively rid the body of cancer but maintain the equilibrium necessary for optimal physical and even mental health.

Thyme is made up of rosmarinic acid, thymol and carvacrol, these make thyme a powerful herb for it is antifungal, antimutagenic and antibacterial in nature. It serves for many purposes because of its astringent nature it is used as an alternative beauty chemistry agent in natural shampoo, deodrant and antiperspirant but it is best known for its analgesic properties, making it a perfect herb to use in conjunction with Turmeric, in the treatment of cancer pain.

Turmeric, a perennial, herbacious plant family of the ginger root, it is the main ingredient in curry powder, masala and mustards. Turmeric Curcuma or Indian saffron as it is also referred to, is specifically a natural analgesic which eases pain caused by headaches, upper and lower back pain rheumatic arthritis amid other symptoms of disease. Turmeric is known to provide effective analgesic or pain relief when used in combination with Boswellia, as it is used by people suffering extreme pain, think somebody you would gladly give up your seat for on a train, as we all know most of the working class employing public transport are just too tired to share their seat unless a person is deathly sick!

 "I use capsules - one each morning - as well as boswellia - one pill each morning and a glucosamine sulfate capsule - heard about it on the People's Pharmacy show on NPR at least 10 years ago. As one with awful knees (two torn ACLs, bone on bone), the relief I've had with it is amazing (and I am a cynical/skeptical PhD chemist!). Turmeric and Bowellia are both long used Ayurvedic analgesic treatments. Even if it is a placebo effect (which I doubt, since when my orthopod looks at my Xrays, he wonders how I can even walk, let alone garden, pain free), it works for me." 

 This was only one of  of a series of  inspiring comments I came across on a health forum thread during my years of online cancer research, that actually made me begin using Turmeric myself.
I use Turmeric daily for cancer prevention, but I also used it specifically to treat the inflammation caused by pelvic girdle and slipped disc I suffered with from consecutive pregnancies, high stress level and also the depression management as depression so often derides the one suffering chronic pain.
Check here for more info about Turmeric as analgesic. It naturally and effectively reducespain by firstly reducing inflammation, inflammation can be a driving force in mind-blowing pain that is naturally cured once the root cause is treated.

 In the October, 2007 issue of "Alternative & Complementary Therapies" which was later summarized in the July 2008 issue of the American Botanical Council publication, HerbClip, doctor, James A. Duke, who holds a Phd as one of the worlds reknown ethnobotanists, in a sum of 700 tests to ascertain the effectiveness of Turmeric in the treatment of cancer, Duke discussed his observations concerning the ability of Turmeric to exceed many pharmaceutical drugs in the treatment of several chronic, debilitating diseases including cancer, and so elegantly stated by Duke, "It does so with virtually no adverse side effects." Regarding employing turmeric for remedying cancer, Duke discovered more than 700 citations for "curcumin and cancer" and more than 200 citations for "turmeric and cancer." When I take turmeric like the indians with their ayurvedic knowledge, I usually make myself the Golden Milk, that is milk boiled with turmeric. Also I always add a good few twists of freshly ground black pepper to increase its potency! This is the so called golden dust miracle stuff that made my ganglion cyst disappear only to reappear as soon as I stopped drinking it religiously. Tulsi, better known as Basil or more revered, Holy Basil, it is one the most sacred herbs, known to be adaptogenic, thereby lowering the body's stress level by raising the stress tolerance, adapting it, so that stress stays balanced at the level that is most suitable for best health. Tulsi is highly antimutagenic too, making it the perfect raw wholefood to supplement with in the natural cancer cures. Basil is used in green smoothies made from the sprouts of Barley to incorporate the highest form of amino acids to accelerate the bodies natural ability to heal itself, in particular, the organs that were damaged after invasion of the cancer cells.

 Homemade Basil extract can be made by boiling 1 cup of Holy basil leaves and its branches with 50 grams of freshly ground black pepper and 25 grams of ginger in 500 ml of water. Reduce your extract by boiling the Basil mixture till it has evaporated, decreased to a quarter of extract original amount Simmer the extract with 10 grams of finely ground small, green cardamom along with 200 grams of sugar (preferably unrefined). Continue boiling the extract till it reaches a specific consistency. Add in 50 ml vodka and store your extract in a sterilized dark glass jar and consume in a period of two weeks.

 Tulsi leaves can also be used in combination with other herbs to treat different types of cancer. Research has recently reported that thyme extracts are, in fact, antimutagenic. Luteolin, one of the properties of thyme is a powerful antimutagen against dietary carcinogens. Thyme is also used along with peppermint and sage, these three herbs taken together are known to be effective in destroying cancer cells.

14 May, 2014

Regenerate, Rebalance & Heal Cancer CRF With Antioxidant Rich Diet

Fighting Cancer Naturally With Antimutagenic And Adaptogenic Herbs Such as "Essiac" Hemp etc.
The vast majority of people diagnosed with cancer experience Cancer Related Fatigue, better known as (CRF) during and after remission, the lucky few people who don't suffer this miserable side effect averages at 2% of cancer patients! If we base our belief in the theory of Tulio Simoncini, that cancer is essentially caused by an overgrowth of Candida in the human body, then it is pretty easy to understand the symptom representing as CRF.

When the body is overwhelmed by toxicity and begins the process of elimination of toxins through detoxification, the very first symptom you will be hit with is, fatigue! For cancer patients multiply that fatigue by about 300! The reason why Cancer Related Fatigue is so much worse, compared to fatigue experienced by the average person on a detox diet, lies in the fact that with the cancer infected person, the deadly cells are replicating at such velocity and the organs responsible for eliminating these toxins are working overtime and rather wearily! What the body needs at this point is superfood. Either juicing, eating raw, a combination plus taking good wholesome nourishing antioxidant supplements to boost the speed at which the body requires energy and to replenish the antioxidant supply that is been lost in the process of breaking down and removing toxic waste by-product and healing the gut, healing the organs and refreshing and purifying the blood and tissues that were being damaged whilst the cancer cells were thriving.

 If your body is lacking antioxidants and unable to neutralise these free radicals they can then escape into the surrounding tissues and further damage your tissue cells and organs, thereby prolonging the bodies ability to heal itself.  To prevent this damage, balance is the key.

 There are 3 superfoods used specifically for raw juicing that can assist the body to heal from within and put the organs back to good working condition. BEETROOT, CARROTS and TURMERIC are used by many people with cancer who have chosen to heal naturally. They work! It is essential to understand that it is good and well to treat the symptoms presented by an illness but wiser to treat the root cause thereof. Raw juicing of these superfoods assistsin the natural elimination of cancer cells by naturally increasing oxygen, increasing ph alkalinity and thereby destroying cancerous activity.

Ph works fast in killing off cancer and shrinking tumors, and the quicker the patient undertakes the raw food diet or at least consumes 80% raw whole, preferably organic wholefood, the quicker cancer is inhibited in the body. Sluggishness is a symptom that lies in the bodies slow release of toxic material, damage to healthy cells and organs which causes slow healing. CRF caused by cancer is due to the expelling of the candida. The body needs high alkalinity and simultaneously a high dosage of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Supplement with these or eat enough organic raw foods to get the RDA% (required daily allowance in percentage) for effective balance also take Zinc.
By significantly increasing the vitamins and in conjunction with drinking plenty Rooibos tea (Aspathalus linearis) which is in fact a herb rich in minerals and bursting with antioxidants, the body will begin healing the tissue damage caused by the cancer cell invasion. Cancer cells are simply cells that have begun 'existing-but-out-of-order'. The mineral content of foods also should be taken into account. Is the patient deficient in minerals such as magnesium of iodine? Tissue salts should be supplemented. Grape seed extract is also an extremely beneficial supplement to take in conjunction with the above mentioned vitamins. Spirulina, also can be taken.

The cancer can be eliminated within 7 days to a few weeks, though the oxygen must be increased, and yes, that would imply the intake of Bicarb to begin the cancer cell elimination. 

Cancer is essentially the physical representation of poor health and lifestyle choices, combined with emotional triggers such as heavy, overwhelming dose of chronic stress, and just like well renown, cancer doctor, Dr Leonard Cohen confirms "hopelessness" a key contributing factor. When I watched the video in which he speaks about how to easily heal cancer, I cried when he said that. I mean here this man is worth more than his weight in gold in terms of finance but he doesn't want or need to get monetary gain from cancer sufferers for speaking out about the ongoing stigma as to why cancer 'is still without a cure'. (What a lie, when people are being cured everyday as we speak!) It hit me so hard, the fact that a man, when he feels defeated after suffering over what he couldn't bare any longer, he gives up hope. That is the difference between somebody with cancer who fights it and he who submits to untimely death, whose given up without the will to help himself. Sound familiar? Yes, hopelessness and emotional and mental turmoil are the leading cause of suicide after drug and alcohol abuse. There is more to this than just the physical manifestation of sickness, cancer is a spiritual battle from within the mind that manifests in the persons outer physical body! And here is what drives me to spread awareness. I believe in believing. Hope drives me! There IS hope. To be healed you first need to concieve it, before you can believe it, for you to receive it! Any problem HAS a solution!! You need to visualize that! "Stupid cancer, you are just a fungus" you have no right to be inside my body, you are defeated in Jesus name!!" The lady laughs out loud when she speaks about how she is cured, she takes the Bicarbonate of Soda everyday along with going on long walks, declaring positive affirmations daily on a regular basis. Apparently she doesnot even say the word "CAN___"! She simply refuses to give credit to something she refuses to allow permission to exist within her physical realm.

DISCLAIMER THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED TO TREAT, CURE, PREVENT OR MITIGATE ANY DISEASE. The contents of this website are based upon the opinions of the respective authors and are not intended as medical advice. Please make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

01 May, 2014

Fighting Cancer One Cell At A Time

natural cancer cures
"A Cure For Cancer" Is Right Under Your Nose!

Carol, a family friend had been diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago, and I just wanted to update the readers of my blog that the creche teacher who I had confused Carol with is about 90% better!  She is walking now after been wheelchair bound and sent home by medical doctors to die after been told there was no hope, can you actually believe that crap?! Yes, what awesome good news, the teacher had just started taking Bicarbonate of Soda everyday. 

To adjust the Ph or alkalinity of the blood, you should take at least one teaspoon a day. You can mix the teaspoon in a litre of water and drink one litre of strong rooibos tea in a period of 12 hrs, or you may (using water that was previously boiled but still warm even hot, add half a teaspoon Bicarb to it and then 15 ml lemon juice to it and drink immediately while its fizzing) 

 I'm so very happy for the lady and her family that she had the humility to begin treating herself and that she even followed my advice which I base entirely on the works of the legendary Tulio Simoncini, praise the Lord for him!!! So many lives have been saved from cancer that could have been cured but failed first in conceiving the possibility that they could indeed be healed and through such a simple, inexpensive method. I know also of a stage four cancer patient treating himself by inhaling Bicarb with a medical device, I'm not sure why I have forgotten the name of this machine but you can just check on google it was a video I watched on youtube. Check by typing 'inhaling bicarbonate of soda' or 'inhaling bicarb' + video.  I have been doing research into this whole breast cancer diagnosis scenario, and from what I have read about, patients may choose to remove the lump or tumor or have a mastectomy, which is removal of the entire breast, leaving the nipple intact.

 According to research, women suffering from advanced breast cancer, who have abnormally high daytime levels of cortisol, (a hormone released in response to stress) stand a much higher risk of shorter lifespan in comparison to patients with normal levels of the hormone!   

Stanford researchers have also found that women with these abnormal cortisol levels had fewer immune system cells or 'natural killer cells' and their reduced immunity was associated with higher mortality. During my very own research, what captured my attention was two woman, both on the same diet, (the Gerson diet named after a cancer doctor Gerson) in which the cancer patient drinks natural organic green or fruit 'superfood' juice, one glass every hour, 13 glasses per day!  

They also employ the use of coffee enemas (have heard of this before, apparently it works wonders) and a wrap of castor oil around the abdomen ( facecloth soaked in castor oil left on abdomen, then wrapped around the waist with cling or plastic wrap) I'm not exactly sure of the specifics of the castor oil used by the gerson diet, but I would presume it were the same, especially as I have 5 long years of research into the treatment of 'fighting cancer' in all its natural healing glory. The castor oil assists the liver in purification and eases out the outflow of toxins, which in turn boosts the immune system which doesn't take a beating with 'toxic overload' toxicity being the ideal home for cancer to flourish in. Of the articles I have read about the Gerson diet, I have to add my two cents that, if one just keeps the body at ideal PH level, by taking bicarb regularly, and simultaneously supplementing their system by taking a good antioxidant or growing organic herbs and eating raw often, it would in a nutshell 'replace' the gerson diet without all the hassle and drama! What I recommend if you are going to use a supplement to boost immunity, is a good zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and tissue salts.

Magnesium, which is a mineral, when the body is depleted of it goes completely downhill creates vulnerability paramount to the invasion of too many diseases to mention in this blog post. Oh and by the way, I used magnesium to safely prevent my premature labor after being dilated by 2 centimeters (which was probably due to stress) I just ate magnesium tabs, about 6-8 per day after getting home from hospital and it safely kept my membrane intact and baby Michael, stayed perfectly safe and in mint condition until he was born on the 17th September 2013 with the most extraordinary muscle control!  So yes, I cannot stress how important magnesium is!! Magnesium relaxes muscle whilst calcium contracts the muscle, so if you ever experience involuntary cramps in your legs, your magnesium store is depleted and you need to start supplementing to ensure your complete wellness. By the way have you heard of 'Pink Salt'? I have a whole article to write about pink salt, why our body needs it and why the LACK of salt is bad, especially in relation to cancer!

A Cure For Cancer with Herbs, Flowers, Roots And Spice.

healing cancer naturally
Cancer  can be cured within days!
Cure For Cancer Found!

Shock! Carol was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Actually it wasn't my mother that neglected to tell me, but that I myself had misunderstood as my parents recently told me that my kids creche teacher had cancer, hers is spinal but anyway I had assumed they were talking about her, that her name was Carol.

 It seems weird that just over a week ago, I had found out that two other people I had known in childhood, had cancer, one a young woman about forty had just been buried. This made me decide to get busy blogging again, writing and spreading awareness about Cancer and how it can be prevented and treated. I know of stage four cancer sufferers that have been successfully cured of cancer!
 This is why I have decided to begin by "debunking" the lies and mystery behind cancer and instead provide readers with positive data from scientific study of herbs, flowers, spices, algae, mushroom, roots and seeds of plants that all share in common,  powerful antimutagenic compounds loaded with phytonutrients,flavanoids and other cancer killing agents, even inexpensive drugs that are already proven to have cured cancer!

Yes, it is possible to be cured even of stage four bone cancer. I created this blog as a passion of mine which is treating illness and disease with natural medicinal ingredients found in living plant life such as roots, veg, herbs, fruit, spices and flowers. I sincerely hope that anyone who comes across my site will be infused with hope and be illuminated with knowledge so that together we can impart that knowledge and help to preserve a life and stop the lie that cancer is incurable. "For you shall KNOW the truth and then you shall be set free."I am a believer and I write from my passion,  to convey the message of hope in a place of darkness and desolation to those suffering constant pain and  disease and affliction. I believe that if you take to heart the truth it can transform your body mind and soul to that of new, radiant, energized and balanced.
There is biblical evidence of the use of herbs, flowers, roots and spice which contain various components that harness the power to eliminate within the body any inflammation.  Adaptogenic herbs have strong properties that achieve wellness inside the human body by boosting the immune system, allowing it to work out toxins and acids, which together aid the 3 key factors in the development of cancer:

  1. Acidity & Poor nutrition
  2. Hopelessness
  3. Stress

Addressing and adjusting these three unhealthy symptoms will enable you in achieving an alkaline state which is essential to prevent and eradicate cancer cells from multiplying and flourishing. Cancer simply is the proliferation of dysfunctional cells, that are low in oxygen, feeding on sugar overload. In this blog I will be discussing how simply cancer can be treated naturally from within through positive mindset, alkaline state and oxygen increase in the blood that disintegrates the mutation of the cancer cells without surgery.